A Love Like No Other

Chapter 9- A Dangerous Idea

        Tuxedo Mask had made me the happiest I could ever remember being.  I realized he had not really done all that much.  Everybody was always pleasant to me, my being the Princess of the Moon and all.  He, if anything, had been harsher then most people I had met.  But there was something about the way he acted around me.  He used to be really cold.  Now, he was not so rigid.  Maybe that is why I felt so elated.  He softened up to me, and from the sounds of it, it was something he had never done before.  I was happy that I could do that to someone and that he had opened up to no other.
        When I first walked in the door, I was of course frightened.  I mean, would not you be if you were thrown down and had a knife put in your face?  I suppose he had a right to react the way he did.  Here was a man who always felt threatened by humans.  Then I go and barge in, late at night, unannounced.  He probably thought I was an ambush.  He calmed down quickly though when he saw it was me.  I tried not to look or act too shaken.  I think he noticed I was frightened, though, and tried to make me feel better and not so scared.
        When I got back from closing the door, I noticed how attractive he was.  I had never seen a man's chest, in person that is.  Especially not one so well defined.  I scolded myself inside, "Stop it Serena.  You are letting your emotions and whims get the best of you."  But THEN he took off the shirt completely so that I could help clean his wound.  I thought I was going to faint!
        Well, he certainly could not hate me.  After all, he invited me back tomorrow night.  I had a feeling he was doing it out of pity for me, but I had no proof.  Was it possible he wanted to get to know me as much as I wanted to get to know him?  Maybe this would lead to us eventually becoming close friends... or lovers?  "Oh Serena you are terrible!  That will never happen, so do not even think it."  I said aloud.
        I was now sitting in my room on my bed, trying to get some sleep.  "After all.  What would Mother think?"  Mother!  I had not thought of her.  It was treason to love me, and I would be held accountable for being irresponsible.  It was not anything compared to what would happen to him though.  He could be executed for it.  I would never want that to happen to Tuxedo Mask.  Then it hit me... What if Mother already knew?  She is telepathic.  But no.  She would have confronted me with the situation.  Would she not?

        Serena confused me.  I had spent all of my life avoiding people.  I avoided them for two reasons.  One, I could be discovered to live under the center. That had to break some rule.  Trespassing... Paying no rent... Not a licensed living area...?  If that happened, I would have no place to go except jail.  Second, humans were supposed to have these incredibly violent tendencies.  Even children's stories were filled with death and violence.  Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, The Boy Who Cried Wolf...  Sure, some of them had morals, but wasn't there another way to convey them?  Then there was History.  History is full of wars between The Moon Kingdom and the Negaverse.  Murderers, robbers, abusers, rapists...  It was too much.
        Then I had this girl who was none of that.  She was a genuine innocent.  I might have been able to say she was just sheltered as a child but she was the Princess of the Moon Kingdom.  She knew what had gone on everywhere.  Still she remained so sweet and loving.  It was more than I could comprehend.  This one girl threw a giant hole in my entire theory about mankind.  She made me question my entire lifestyle.
        There was one downside to her innocence.  She asked too many questions.  I did not like even thinking about my past, much less want to divulge it to an almost complete stranger.  But then, what harm could her questions do?  I knew what they could do.  If she ever got angry with me, she could run off and tell everyone everything about me.  Was it not enough that she was the only one who knew where I lived?  The only one who knew I was even alive and not a ghost or just some myth?  "No "I decided.  "I must keep my distance from her and not reveal too much about myself.  I have to keep myself from harm at all costs."

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