The Children of Mercury

Hello, out there all you Sailor Moonies!  Yeah, you know who you are!  This it my story, The Children of Mercury.  It’s based on an outline in the Sailor Moon Roll-Playing Game and Resource Book.  If you have that book, then you’ll probably recognize it, if not, then get the Sailor Moon Roll-Playing Game and Resource Book!  It’s great for the serious collector or the casual fan!  You can look at it for just the information it contains on our beloved Sailor Scouts!  Oh and don’t worry, you don’t need the book to understand this story.
 Anyway, back to my story.  As I said it’s called The Children of Mercury, and it based on Crystal Tokyo.  One note about my story, it’s written in script form, so don’t get confused!  Oh and please E-Mail me at  IN THE NAME OF THE MOON, I BEG YOU!
 Okay, enjoy and remember, MOON CRYSTAL POWER MAKE-UP!”
Standard disclaimers apply.
Arigato, KMW


Setting: Neo-Queen Serenity has begun constructing plans for a new Silver Millennium but has found that she needs the help of Sailor Pluto.  Queen Serenity and her fifteen-year-old daughter, Princess Serenity, have decided to pay a visit to Sailor Pluto at the Gateway of Time.  Serenity and Rini are now opening the door to the Cosmic Time Void.

Rini: It’ll be so great to see Sailor Pluto again, won’t it Mother?

Neo-Queen Serenity: Yes it will, but I distinctly remember someone present here calling her Luna-P all the time.”

Rini (smiling): Mom that was a long time ago.

 They are now walking through the Void until they come to a large door with a crescent moon on the front.  As they walk up to it the door opens automatically.  In the doorway stands a tall woman with a staff that looks like a key.

Sailor Pluto: Neo-Queen Serenity, I am honored you would come here to visit after such a long time.

Serenity: Thank you Sailor Pluto, and yes, it has been a long time, hasn’t it?

Pluto (turns to Rini): And Small Lady, well, you’re not so small anymore.

Rini: It’s all right Luna-P, if you want to call me Small Lady.  The Sailor Scouts still call me that from time to time.

Serenity: I’m sorry interrupt you two, but I’d like to tell you why we’ve come.  Pluto, I have a favor to ask you.

Pluto: You have only to ask my old friend.

Serenity: In case you don’t know, I’ve begun constructing plans for new Silver Millennium.

Rini: In other words, she wants the peace to become official.

Pluto: Interesting, but what does this have to do with me?

Serenity: You see, in the first Silver Millennium many diplomats from all over the universe were often seen at the Moon Kingdom (sad look).  When it was destroyed, no one ever heard from them again.

Pluto (nodding): Continue please.

Serenity: I was thinking, we could construct a teleportation device to send diplomats to their home worlds so we can establish universal peace.

Rini: I know my opinion doesn’t matter much in this matter, but I think this is a good idea.

Serenity: Sailor P, with your knowledge of Time and Space and me using the power of the Silver Imperium Crystal, we can do this, if you’re willing to.

Pluto: You said that you needed a favor and I said you only had to ask.  Of course I’ll help you.

Serenity (smiling): Thank you so much Sailor P.

Pluto: In a few days I will join you two in Crystal Tokyo.  First I must activate the secondary defenses for the Gate of Time.  This will take a day or two.

Serenity: All right, and again, thank you.

Rini: Yes, thank you Luna-P.

Pluto: I assure you there is no need for thanks my old friends. (Pause) It is becoming late back home, go on before they become worried.  I will join you in a few days to begin construction.  (Turns to Serenity) Your mother would be so proud of you Serena.

 The three nod in parting.  Queen Serenity and Princess Rini go through the Cosmic Time Void to home, Crystal Tokyo.

Setting: It is now 10 years later.  Neo-Queen Serenity and Sailor Pluto have worked many long hours constructing the teleportation device in a large dim room, called the Chamber of Time and Space.
 Unknown to the people of Crystal Tokyo, an old enemy has reemerged on Earth.  That old enemy is Jadeite.  When the Doom Phantom was destroyed, an energy wave rocked the palace in the Negaverse, releasing Jadeite from his Eternal Sleep.  Having secured his dominance in the Negaverse, the new King of the Negaverse slowly increases his power.  Jadeite has been planning his revenge on a certain city and certain group of people.  Jadeite’s targets-Crystal Tokyo, the royal family, and the Sailor Scouts.  Jadeite’s spies in Crystal Tokyo have just informed him of the existence of the Chamber of Time and Space…

Jadeite: With that device in my hands, I could send my armies all over the Universe.  They could take control, and in a short time, the Universe would be mine!

Yoma: Yes master.

Jadeite: Do you have any other information on the chamber?  Such as, how well guarded is it, or how does it work?

Yoma: As far as we can tell, two guards are always on duty outside the chamber.  Neo-Queen Serenity goes to work on the chamber everyday, leaving four bodyguards outside.  One person does stay there day and night, Sailor Pluto.

Jadeite: Well I’d imagine her energy is all being concentrated on completing the teleportation device.  If you can get one or two agents into the chamber, they could eliminate the guards and Sailor Pluto, and then I can come in and take control of the device.

Yoma: Yes, but we will need everyone else to be distracted.

Jadeite (gives an evil smile): That can be arranged.

 Two days later, Jadeite puts his plan into action.  Meanwhile, Sailor Mercury, or Amy, who she is also known as, is cooking breakfast for her four children, Rose Anne, Joanna, and John.

John: Mom, this food is great, may I have some more please?

Amy (with downcast eyes): Of course John, help yourself.

John: Thanks!

Rose: Mom, is everything all right?  You seem upset.

Amy: Oh, you father and I had an argument last night, but don’t worry about it.

Joanna: I thought it was weird that Daddy didn’t show up for breakfast.

Anne: Yeah, I thought he just had to leave early for work.
Amy (with a forced smile): Well, don’t worry about it.  Oh and don’t forget that you have been excused from you afternoon classes to visit Sailor Pluto in the Chamber of Time and Space.

John: Thanks for reminding me, I almost forgot.

Anne: We’d better get going or we’ll be late.

Joanna: Yeah, if I’m late one more time, I’ll get a detention.

Amy (smiling genuinely): Two of my kids are acting the same way I did when I was their age, the other two act like Serena.

Anne: What do you mean two of us act like Aunt Serenity?

Amy: Well, Joanna is worried about getting a detention, and John has an appetite the size of Crystal Tokyo!

John and Joanna together: Funny Mom!

 Later that day, Rose, Anne, Joanna, and John are in their classes at Crystal Tokyo Private School.  They each have been noticing that their teachers and fellow students have been acting very edgy and irritable.
 At lunchtime, the four of them are sitting down to eat when several fights break out in the cafeteria.  Each of them rushes over to break up the fights.  Anne runs over to a group of people and finds a surprise there.

Anne: Puroko!  What are you doing?

Puroko: I’m trying to get my hair done.  What’s it look like?  I’m trying to get out of here!

Anne: Come on, let me help you out.

 Anne and Puroko move to a safe distance away, where they are soon joined by Rose, Joanna, and John.

Joanna: What’s going on around here?  Everyone is trying to beat someone’s face in!

John: I’d sure like to know too.

Rose: I know, let’s call Mom, she might have some ideas.

Anne: Good idea Rose.

 Rose activates her communicator.

Rose: Rose to Mom.  Come in Mom.

Amy (with a tired voice): Yes Rose, what is it?

Rose: Mom, something very strange is going on at school.

Amy: What do you mean?

Rose: Well, all morning everyone has been really irritable, and at lunch at least a dozen fights have broken out all over the place.  The only ones who don’t seem to be affected are Puroko and us.

Amy: Hmm, well when I was walking over to the Crystal Palace some people were acting strange.  Also, this afternoon Serena, Sailor Venus, Sailor Mars, and Sailor Jupiter have been-

 Suddenly there is a loud crash in the background, near Amy.

Amy: Mars, Serena, stop it!  Oh no!  Rose I have to go.  I’ll talk to you all later.  Bye!

 Amy signs off.

Rose: Must be a bad fight, even for Aunt Raye and Aunt Serenity.

Joanna: Yeah, well we’d better get going.

Anne: Oh yeah, we’ve got to get over to the Chamber of Time and Space so we can see why Sailor Pluto wants to see us.

John: Why do you think she wants to see us?

Rose: I don’t know, but let’s get going.  See you around, Puroko.

 They all bid farewell to Puroko and leave the school for the Crystal Palace.

 Thirty minutes later Rose, Anne, Joanna, and John enter the Chamber of Time and Space.

John: Hey Sailor Pluto, long time no see!

Pluto: It’s good to see you too John, it’s good to see all of you again.

Rose: So why did you want to see us?

Pluto (smiling): In a hurry Rose?

Rose: No, it’s just that I hate missing school.

Pluto: You sound like you mother.  Anyway, I’ve called you all here so you can choose a planet to take as your transformation namesake.  After you are officially appointed Prince or Princess of that planet, you will be allowed to transform into the new generation of Sailor Scouts and Knights.

They all stare at Sailor Pluto in shock.

Joanna: Us? Be Sailor Scouts and Knights?

Pluto: Why not?  You’ve all been raised by Sailor Scouts.  They’ve taught you self-defense.  We’re just taking it a step farther.

Anne: But what about the other Sailor Scout’s children?

Pluto: They will join your ranks in a few weeks, then Queen Serenity will open the door to anyone who wishes to be one.

John: Okay, what do we do?

Pluto: First, you must choose a planet on the view screen.

After about five hours of searching and arguing over planets, Rose chose one of Jupiter’s moons, Callisto.  Anne and Joanna chose two of Uranus’s moons, Miranda and Ariel.  Finally John chose a planet called Panthina.

Pluto: Well, now that we FINALLY have all that figured out…

 Just then Luna, Neo-Queen Serenity’s Cat Guardian, walked into the chamber.  Floating behind her were three power sticks and a glove with large claws upon it.

Luna: This glove is for you John.  Rose, this crystal wand is yours to command, Joanna, this yellow pen belongs to you, and finally Anne, this purple wand now yours.

All four: Thank you Luna.

Pluto: Now just remember, no transforming until after the ceremony.

Rose (looking at her watch): Okay Sailor Pluto, but we have to go.  Also, thank you for all of your help.

Anne, Joanna, and John: Yeah thanks Sailor P.

Pluto (nodding): You're welcome.

 As the four leave, Sailor Pluto and Luna watch with sad expressions upon their faces.

 At home, the Rose, Anne, Joanna, and John talk to their mom and dad about their time in the Chamber of Time and Space.

Joanna: It took five hours just to pick out a world for each of us!

Rose: Yeah and half of the time we were arguing over who got what.

Amy: It sounds funny, I wish I had been there.

Greg: Anne, could you please get me a bottle of water?

Anne: Sure Daddy.

Anne walks into the kitchen and finds there are no more water bottles.

Anne: Daddy, there aren’t anymore bottles.

Greg: Here are a few dollars.  Would you run down to the store and buy a few bottles?

Anne: Okay.

 Anne starts walking down the street when she sees a stand selling natural spring water.

Anne: Well, it would save a trip down to the store.

Anne buys some bottles from the stand and returns home.

Anne: Here you are Daddy.

Greg: Thanks Anne.

Greg takes a drink of the water.  A moment later his face turns green and he runs out of the room.

John: What’s wrong with Dad?

Amy: I don’t know.  I’ll go find out.

 Amy walks into the kitchen and finds Greg drinking glass after glass of water from the sink.  After drinking five glasses of water he sits down at the table.

Greg: What did those people do to the water, put onions in it?

Amy: I don’t know Greg.

Greg: Well, I’m going to lodge a complaint in the morning.  But right now I’m going to bed.  Good night Amy.

Amy (smiles): Good night Greg.

 Amy walks back into the living room.

Amy: All right everyone, bedtime.

Anne, Joanna, and John: Okay, night mom.

Rose: Oh mom, I’ll have to leave early because I left my book bag in the Chamber of Time and Space.

Amy: All right, good night Rose.
Rose nods and goes to her room.


 The next day Rose returns to the Crystal Palace to obtain her bookbag.  When she enters the hallway she sees the two guards lying on the floor.  Once she sees that they’re all right, Rose peeks into the Chamber.

Rose (whispering to herself): What are those things? Well, whatever they are, they obviously mean business.  Pluto doesn’t have the energy to fight.  I’ve gotta help her!

 Rose holds up her wand.

Rose: I have no choice!  CALLISTO MOON POWER MAKE-UP!!!

 In the Chamber, the ‘things’ have reached Sailor Pluto.

Yoma #1: Prepare for oblivion, Sailor brat!

SAILOR CALLISTO: Not today, sleeze ball!

Youma #3:Who are you?  A child playing superhero?

SAILOR CALLISTO: No way! I am the one of the new Champions of Love and Justice, SAILOR CALLISTO!  And on behalf of the moon CALLISTO, I’m gonna vaporize you!

Yoma #2: Not likely.

 The three yoma launch their attack on SAILOR CALLISTO.

 Anne, wondering why Rose wasn’t at the bus stop like she said would, tells Joanna and John to go on without her.  While those two go onto school, Anne makes her way to the palace.

 Anne now arrives at the Chamber.

Anne: What are those things?  Oh no, they resemble the pictures I’ve seen of yoma from the Negaverse!  I know we aren’t supposed to morph yet, but Rose needs my help.

 Anne holds up her morphing pen.


 SAILOR CALLISTO manages to finally use her attack.


 Yoma’s 1 and 3 are destroyed.

Yoma 2: Sailor witch how dare you!  Well, you not be around to trouble new Great Leader at liquid plant.  DIE!

 Yoma 2 launches herself at SAILOR CALLISTO.


 Yoma 2 is destroyed.


SAILOR MIRANDA: Any time CALLISTO. (Turns to Sailor Pluto)  Sailor P, are you okay?

Sailor Pluto: Yes and I am grateful to both of you.  Still, you were not supposed to morph until Queen Serenity-

SAILOR CALLISTO (with an angry look and tone): What was the alternative?  Let those things turn you into burnt toast?!

Sailor Pluto: I suppose you are right.  I was unable to defend myself against them, so I should be thanking you both repeatedly.


SAILOR MIRANDA: What I would like to know is, who is this new Great Leader?

Sailor Pluto: I don’t know, but I think I know someone who might know.

 Sailor Pluto, SAILOR CALLISTO, and SAILOR MIRANDA quickly walk to the other side of the palace to the rooms where King Darien, Queen Serenity, and Princess Rini live.
Queen Serenity has just led her unexpected guests into Darien’s study.

Queen Serenity: I’m honored you would stop by, but if I may ask, aren’t you two supposed to be in school?

SAILOR CALLISTO: yes but you see, I had forgotten my backpack when my brother, sisters, and I were here yesterday.  When I came back to get it there were these… things (emphasize) about to attack Sailor Pluto.  So, I morphed.  I know I’m not supposed to, but I had no other choice.  I just about got fried by those things too.

SAILOR MIRANDA: That’s where I came in.  When Rose didn’t show up at the bus stop like she said she would, I became worried and went to see what was taking her so long.  When I arrived, I saw that she needed help so I morphed as well.

SAILOR CALLISTO: I had managed to destroy 2 of them when the 3rd one just about blasted me to high heavens.  Then MIRANDA came and vaporized her.

SAILOR MIRANDA: But just before I did she said something about a “new Great Leader,” do you have any idea of what she meant?
Serenity (looks deep in thought): Great Leader… well, Great Leader usually used to describe…(eyes widen) Queen Beryl and the Negaforce.

Sailor Pluto: But they were destroyed by the Imperium Crystal and the Crescent Moon Wand.  So it couldn’t be them.

 Queen Serenity suddenly gets up, takes a bottle of water and drinks it in one gulp!

SAILOR CALLISTO: Aunt Serenity!  Are you okay?  You never drink that much water!  Certainly not enough that takes up space to fill up all of these bottles!  There must be at least 100 bottles here.

Serenity: 120 actually, and I didn’t drink all of them, only about 20.  The others were drunk by Darien, Rini, Raye, Mina, and Lita.

SAILOR MIRANDA: That’s it!  It’s the water!

Sailor Pluto: How do you know MIRANDA?

SAILOR MIRANDA: Well just look around.  Everywhere you look, someone is drinking the city water.  Last night, Daddy asked me to buy some bottled water from the store.  Well, on my way there I saw a stand that was selling natural spring water.  After I bought some, I came home.  Yet when Daddy drank it, he said that it tasted bad.  He then drank water from the sink, which is also city water!

SAILOR CALLISTO: So it’s the city water that is contaminated.  But why aren’t we affected?

Sailor Pluto: I think I can answer that.  Every original Sailor Scout has an Element of Influence.  Mine is Time, while your mother’s is Water.  Anything that contaminates the Element is immune to it.  The immunity must extend to their offspring as well.

SAILOR CALLISTO (to Queen Serenity): Where is the city water filtered at?

Serenity: At the Water Reclamation Plant.

SAILOR CALLISTO: Thank you for your help Aunt Serenity.  You too Sailor P.  MIRANDA, let’s get Joanna and John and get over there.

Sailor Pluto: Wait, I’m going with you.

SAILOR MIRANDA: No Sailor Pluto.  You’re still too weak from working in the Chamber.  You need to rest.  We can handle this.

 SAILOR MIRANDA and SAILOR CALLISTO detransform and rush over to Crystal Tokyo Private School where class has just let out.

Rose: John, Joanna!  Over here!

John: Where have you two been?  Mom will be real mad when-
Anne: There is no time to explain.  Do you guys still have your transformation pen and glove with you?

Joanna and John: Yes.

Rose: Good we have to get out of sight of everyone else and transform.  Then we have to get over to the Water Reclamation Plant.

Joanna: But we aren’t supposed to transform yet.  If Sailor P or Aunt Serenity or Mom found out-

Anne: Aunt Serenity and Sailor Pluto already know.  Come on, we have to go now.




 John holds up his hand with his glove on it.

CALLISTO: Let’s go Sailor Scouts!

 They run down the street, down the blocks all the way across the city until they come to the Tokyo Water Reclamation Plant.  When they arrive there, the plant is deserted.

SAILOR ARIEL: CALLISTO, you have VR Vision like Mom, so you do a scan so we can find a way in.

CALLISTO: Good thinking, Sailor Ariel.  (Activates VR Visor.)  Hmm… I think everything is sealed… no wait, there is a back door that has been left open.  (She gasps)  Oh man.


CALLISTO: I am reading a major build up of negative energy in the center of the plant.  If it keeps building up it could explode, destroying the entire city!

MIRANDA: We have to hurry if we’re going to stop whoever is in there.

 The four of them hurry to the back door.  As they make their way to the center of the plant, they encounter four yoma.

Yoma 1: You may not proceed any further.


Yoma 1: Y-your g-g-giving m-me f-frostbite! Ah!

 Yoma 3 lunges at Black Panther.
BLACK PANTER: Give me a break!

 He scratches Yoma 3 and knocks him unconscious.



 The combined attack destroys Yoma’s 2 and 4.  Suddenly there is an evil chuckle.

Jadeite: Very impressive kids.  Now let’s see how well you do against the King of the Negaverse!

MIRANDA (gasping): I recognize you!  But you were placed in the ‘Eternal Sleep’ by Queen Beryl!

ARIEL: Who is this guy Miranda?

MIRANDA: The old nemesis of Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, and Sailor Mars.  He’s Jadeite!  I’ve seen pictures of him in my special history class.

ARIEL: Well, he won’t be here for long!  ARIEL SNOW PACK!

 Jadeite deflects Sailor ARIEL’S attack.

Jadeite: That was pathetic!  You actually consider yourselves Sailor Scouts?  Please, Sailor Moon’s tiara was more powerful!


 Jadeite again deflects the asteroids.

CALLISTO: This isn’t good, he deflects anything and everything we throw at him.

Black Panther: What can we do CALLISTO?

Jadeite: Ha!  Nothing what-so-ever kids!

 Jadeite throws an attack of snow-covered asteroids at them, knocking them all to the floor.

ARIEL: I don’t think we can beat him!

Black Panther: But there has got to be a way.  Again what can we do?

 Jadeite again throws an attack at them, but it is stopped by a red rose!

Jadeite (turning): Who threw that?  (gasping)  Tuxedo Mask!

Tuxedo Mask: As I said before, you really get a kick out of picking on kids don’t you Jadeite?
Jadeite: A war veteran and four kids can’t stop me!

Collection of voices: What about us?

 Jadeite swings around and there stands Sailor Moon, Sailor Venus, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Mercury.

Jadeite: How does my contaminated water not affect you?

Sailor Venus: Oh we were affected all right, with the exception of Sailor Mercury.  But you forgot to take into account that we’re still trained to fight evil Negacreeps like you and that our children are now ready to become Sailor Scouts!

Jadeite: Ha!  Not even you (emphasize) can stop the power of the Nega Crystal!

Sailor Moon: Nega Crystal!  What is that?

Jadeite: Something even you, Moon Princess, can’t stop!  Not even with the power of the Silver Imperium Crystal!

Sailor Moon: We’ve defeated the Negaverse before, we can do it again!

 Jadeite wordlessly attacks them, but this time it is stopped by a crystal rose!  Everyone glances up at where it came from.

Jadeite: Who are you?  Some Tuxedo Mask wanna-be?

Person standing in the shadows: I am called the Callisto Guardian.  Sailor Callisto, you, in many ways, are similar to Sailor Moon.  It is your destiny to fight evil, but only for a time!

CALLISTO (determined): Sailor Moon, I don’t think any one of us alone can stop this guy!  Is there any way we can combine all of our powers into one attack?

Sailor Moon (glancing at Sailor Mercury): Well, there is one way that we haven’t used in a long time!

Sailor Mercury: Right Sailor Moon!  You mean the Sailor Planet Power!

Sailor Jupiter: But we haven’t used that attack in years.  It could be dangerous.

Sailor Mercury: It’s the only way Jupiter, we have no other alternative.

Sailor Moon: All right join hands everyone.  Now concentrate all your energy to blow Jadeite back to the Negaverse.  MOON ETERNAL MAKE-UP!


 Light surrounds them and then shoots out at Jadeite.  He tries to use negative energy to block the attack, but is not quick enough.

After Jadeite recovers from the blast sent by the Sailor Scouts, he opens a warp-hole.

Jadeite: You win this round Sailor Scouts.  But soon I will destroy you and these pathetic kids.  Then I will use the Imperium Crystal to activate the teleportation device.  Once it is under my control, I will send my armies to take over every planet in the Universe.  You won’t stop me this time Sailor brats!  Ha ha ha!

 Jadeite floats through the warp-hole.

Sailor Mars: Great, another war with the Negaverse.  Just what we need.

Callisto Guardian: Congratulations Sailor Callisto.  Thanks to you and your friends, the city of Crystal Tokyo is free once again.  The Negaverse means serious business and they will test you severely, but do not be frightened for your friends and I will fight beside you.

 Before anyone can stop him, he jumps out the window.  The others prepare to leave, but Sailor Callisto just stares where the Callisto Guardian had stood, enchanted.  The older Sailors and Tuxedo Mask smile knowingly.

 Later, when the group returns to the Crystal Palace they sit down to a large dinner.
Afterwards, Amy prepares to take her children home, when Queen Serenity pulls Rose aside.

Serenity: Rose, I wanted you to know, your brother, sisters, and all the children of Raye, Mina, and Lita have asked me to give you a commission as the leader of the new generation of Sailor Scouts.

Rose (eyes widen and mouth falls open): M-me?  But you’re the leader of the Sailor Scouts!

Serenity: You mean I was (emphasize) the leader.  Though none of us like to admit it, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Mercury, Darien and myself are becoming old.  With this new war with the Negaverse, we must look to the new generation to protect Earth and the Universe.  Our day has passed.  So, as the new leader of the new Sailor Scouts, I give you the Moon Scepter, the symbol of the leader of the invincible Sailor Warriors.

 Serenity hands her the bright Moon Scepter, which still looks like new, despite all it has been through over the years.

Rose (with a shaky smile): Thank you so much for every thing Aunt Serenity.  I’m only disappointed that after 10 years of hard work, you can’t have what you want, a new Silver Millennium.  I mean, as long as there is a war with the Negaverse, then you can’t have peace.

Serenity: Oh, don’t worry, we will have peace.  It may take a while, but we will.  We showed the monsters of the Negaverse once before that Good always conquers Evil, we just have to show that to them again.

 Rose hugs Serenity and buries her face in Serenity’s graying hair for a long moment.  Then Rose, carrying the Moon Scepter, turns around to face not only her friends and family, but her bright future as well.


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