Crystal Clear Destiny

Okay, in my version of ‘A Crystal Clear Destiny,’ not only do I change a few things in it, but I merge it and ‘A Reluctant Princess’ together as well!  Don’t worry, I don’t change everything, most changes are in the main battle.  Ready for another bombshell<GRINS>I’m adding another Sailor Scout who shows up in ‘So you want to be a Superstar’ I think it’s called, Sailor Memory.  With her is another black cat, Salem.  She also happens to be Darien's sister in their 20th century life, but not in their Silver Millennium life, called Coral.  Have you fainted yet? No, oh well.
Standard disclaimers apply
 Now, this is my first attempt at altering real episodes, so please be kind.  Not only that, these two episodes rank in my top 8 favorite episodes.  They’re like, #’s 4(Crystal Clear Destiny), and 6(A Reluctant Princess).  If you like this, PLEASE E-MAIL ME!!! IN THE NAME OF THE MOON, I BEG YOU! My address is
 Thanks a ton,

 “Thanks for saving us Sailor Venus,” Sailor Moon breathed.
 “No problem,” Sailor Venus grinned, “I’m just REALLY excited that I’m finally getting to meet all you guys.”
 Stepping forward, she continued, “We’ll be a super team.”
 “Yes,” Mercury joined, “now we’re finally a full-fledged team.”
 “The Sailor Scouts!”
 Artemis, who was standing next to Luna and Salem, rolled his eyes and growled, “Enough with the warm, fuzzy moments!  Those guys from the Negaverse aren’t kidding around.  I’m sure they’re already planning to strike back big.  You guys gotta be ready.”
 “Knowing the way Zoicite acts, he’ll be around in a matter of days to get Tuxedo Mask’s crystals,” added Salem.
 “Right,” Luna agreed, “meeting at the temple tomorrow, okay?”
 Abruptly, Venus flashed them one last smile, “Okay, gotta book it, see ya!”  With those words, she and Artemis were off like a shot.
 “She’s in a hurry,” commented Mercury.
 “She was like,” gasped Mars, “almost rude!”
 With stars in her eyes, Sailor Moon ended the conversation with, “I think she’s wicked cool!”
 Even as they left, Memory couldn’t help thinking that there was something familiar about Sailor Venus.  Oh well, she thought, we’ll find out tomorrow.
 She had no idea how right she was.

 “Queen Beryl, I know we can get those crystals back,” assured Malachite.
 “Give me one more chance,” whined Zoicite, “I’ll get those crystals and then take care of Tuxedo Mask once and for all!”
 “I don’t want to get rid of him now,” informed Beryl tightly.
 “But he want’s those crystals, my queen,” Malachite reminded her.
 “I’ve decided to bring Tuxedo Mask here, he can be of great value to us.”
 “But we don’t know who he is,” interjected Zoicite.
 Queen Beryl’s eyes narrowed, “You don’t, but I do.  Now be quiet and listen to my orders.”
 Bowing respectfully, Malachite agreed, “Yes, your majesty.
 “I can’t believe I was so stupid,” Darien admonished himself, “falling for that fake Sailor Moon.  I almost got the Scouts toasted too.”
 The image of Sailor Moon trying to keep the Scouts from giving up entered his mind.  The pain on her face tore at his heart, as did the image of Sailor Memory, on the ground shaking in agony.
 “Why was I so blind,” Darien muttered, closed his eyes in pain and continued, “now they hate me.”
 Walking slowly over to his couch, Darien sat down and leaned back, his eyes closing in exhaustion.
 “Nice place Darien.”
 Abruptly, he looked up to where the voice had come from, right from his television.  On the screen, was the revolting face (to him, anyway) of Zoicite.
 He asked with confusion, “How did you find me?”
 Sighing like he was explaining things to a three-year-old, he replied, “I told you Darien, the Negaverse sees everything.  You didn’t think you could hide forever did you, Tuxedo Mask?”
 Not hiding anymore, Darien demanded, “What do you want Zoicite?”
 “We’re both tired of fighting over the Rainbow Crystals so I propose a duel, you and me, winner takes all.”
 Letting go of his badly injured shoulder, he countered, “I don’t believe you.”
 Laughing that girly laugh, he informed him, “Oh, I’m serious.  What’s the matter, Darien, scared to fight me without your Sailor girlfriends along, is that it?”
 “I’m not afraid of you or anyone from your world!”
 “That’s good.  Now meet me at the Starlight Tower at five.  Come alone and bring the Crystals with you,” she looked like she was about to break off the transmission when she added, “you know Darien, you should have someone look at that shoulder.  You don’t look so good, must be painful.”  With a laugh, he signed off.
Darien glanced at the rising sun, the Starlight Tower in the middle.  Starlight Tower at five, he thought.
He had no idea that Coral had heard it all.

 “Oh, please, please, Ms. H I’ll finish my detention tomorrow okay?  I’m really late, even for me!”  With those words, Serena took off for the temple.
 “A busy girls got things to do, I mean, I can’t be on time for everything,” Serena muttered, then narrowed her eyes, “oh, but that Raye is gonna be so self-righteous!”
 The image of a gigantic Raye against a little Serena, shouting, “If you’re even one minute late, YOU’RE MEAT LOAF!”
 Glancing ahead, Serena saw Coral sneaking along ahead of her.  Sneaking up behind her best friend, she whispered, “Whatcha lookin’ at, Coral?”
 Nearly screaming, Coral grabbed her by the shirt front, and seethed, “Serena, don’t ever do that to me again!”
 “Well, then what are you doing, following someone,” Serena asked calmly.
 “Yes, I’m following Darien.”
 Serena gaped at her, “Do you mean Darien?  As in Darien-your brother, the guy that you love more than anyone else in the Universe-that Darien?”
 “Yes Serena that Darien,” answered Coral, “I’m worried about him, Serena.  He came home last night with a badly injured shoulder.  He tried to hide it from me, but I notice these kinds of things.”
 Seeing her friend in distress over the guy that meant so much her, she set out to make her happy once again, “well, if it will make you feel better, we can follow him for a little while.”
 Smiling weakly, Coral nodded.
 The two girls took off after Darien.

 Darien arrived at the Starlight Tower right on schedule.  Maybe I should see a doctor, he thought, I’ll need all the strength I can get against Zoicite.”
 Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder, and a voice say, “Hey!”
 He whirled around, ready to attack whomever was behind him.
 “Ahhh,” cried Serena.
 Darien relaxed and Serena demanded, “Cool your jets would you?”
 “Sorry, you just surprised me,” he apologized quickly, “why are you following me?”
 She sniffed, “Well you don’t need to go ballistic Darien, I was just worried about you.”
 Trying to look surprised, he asked, “What for?”
 A new voice came and stepped forward. It was Coral, “Because you are bleeding Darien.  Did you think I wasn’t going to notice?”
 Finally, his patience snapped, “Just leave me alone girls, it’s not serious.”  With that, he walked off quickly.
 “Not serious, ha, as if,” Serena called after him, “you know, I got a C+ in First Aid, I can tell,” muttering to herself, “I’m gonna find out what he’s up to,” she took off after him, Coral following silently after them.
 Suddenly, a large pink light swallowed the three.

 At the Cherry Hill temple, Raye, Lita, Amy, Luna, and Salem were waiting for their leader and second in command.
 “That Serena isn’t a Sailor Scout, she a Stupid Scout,” Raye shouted angrily.
 “I’m getting really worried about those two,” mentioned Amy.
 “Yea, we’re all used to Serena being late, but Coral’s on time for everything,” added Lita.
 “Yes,” Luna turned to Salem, “you are her Guardian Cat, where is she?”
 Now Salem looked really annoyed, and he voiced it, “I’m not going to follow her wherever she goes Luna.  She’s been a Sailor Scout a lot longer than the rest of you, she can take care of herself!  Besides, I don’t see you doing that with Serena!”
 “Is this the temple where the Sailor Scouts are meeting?”
 Everyone turned to the sound of the new voice.  There in a school out-fit similar to Amy’s, was a girl with light blond hair, and a white cat.
 The cat grinned at Luna and Salem and asked playfully, “Don’t tell me you forgot me so soon, my old friends.”
 Lita gasped, “Sailor Venus, is that you?”
 “Yea, you sure are different than last night.  I almost missed you.  By the way, my name is Mina.  Where’s Sailor Moon?”
 Raye answered haughtily, “She’s always late, don’t worry about it.”
 Mina looked at her strangely and continued, “What about Sailor Memory?”
 Lita answered, “That’s the weird thing, Coral’s usually on time for everything.  But, when it comes to Serena or her brother, Darien, she can be a little late at times.”
 Without another word, Mina turned on her heel and said, “On the way here, we caught some bad vibes coming from the Starlight Tower.  We’re gonna check it out, want to come?”
 “Right,” the three replied.

 Darien opened his eyes, sat up, and looked around.  Coral and Serena were lying side by side a few feet away from him.
 Our of the blue, he heard Zoicite cackle, “Hello Darien.  I trust you enjoyed the ride.  I hope you’ve held up your end of the bargain,” she stepped forward a few feet and lay 5 shimmering crystals on the floor, “I’ve shown you mine, now you show me yours.”
 Wordlessly, he stepped up and placed his two Rainbow Crystals with the other five.  For a minute, they glowed briefly, then spun into the air and disappeared.
 “Where are they Zoicite!  Bring them back now,” Darien shouted.
 Zoicite looked equally confused.  He snarled, “What do you mean, Cape Boy, you are the one with the Crystals.  Bring them back, or something might happen that you’ll regret!”  Without another word, he disappeared, but he still heard his voice, “If you still want to fight me, I’ll be on the roof.  Better move or you might fall down and go ‘BOOM!’”
 By now, Coral and Serena had awoken and Serena was confused at everything that was said.  How does Darien know Zoicite, she asked herself, did he figure out who Coral and I are and is threatening him?
 Suddenly the floor began to crumble.  Shrieking in fright, the three ran for the elevator.  In a blind panic, Serena pushed the button again and again.  After a few agonizing seconds, the door opened and they dashed inside, just as the floor collapsed completely.
 “That was close,” muttered Serena as she breathed a sigh of relief.
 “It isn’t over yet,” mentioned Coral as the door faded away, revealing some sort of plant roots.
 Serena paled even more, “What’s happening?”
 “It’s gotta be Zoicite.”

 At the entrance of the Starlight Tower, four girls and three cats stood, trying to find a way inside the building.
 “Looks like everything is sealed,” said Artemis.
 Salem instructed, “Sailor Mercury, can you scan this creepy place and see if there is a way inside?”
 “I’ll try.”  Mercury begins to type on her mini computer furiously.  After a few moments, she informs them, “Serena, Coral, and Darien are trapped in an elevator heading to the roof.  To get up there, we’ll have to take the stairs.  None of the other elevators are working.”
 Mars, who’d had enough of the waiting around, cried, “Mars… Fire…. IGNITE!”
 The attack sailed towards the door and blew them off the hinges, leaving four very surprised Sailor Scouts and three very proud cats.
 “Hurry girls, we’ve got to help Serena, Coral, and Darien,” yelled Luna as she ran for the entrance.

 “Don’t worry Malachite,” Zoicite assured his best friend, “I will take revenge on Tuxedo Mask for taking the Crystals from us.”
 Malachite warned him, “Just don’t get carried away, or Queen Beryl will have our heads.”
 “I will, my friend.”

 It had been silent in the elevator for several minutes.  No one wanted to be the first to speak.
 Finally, Serena asked, “Darien, how do you know Zoicite,” her eyes widened at what she said and Coral paled.
 Darien didn’t notice, and replied, “He’s been interfering with my mission to find out who I am and where two people I’m looking for are.”
 Darien related the story of his parent’s death, with Coral adding bits and pieces here and there, but she was quite surprised to hear of these princesses he spoke of.
 When he finished, Darien cracked, “Thanks for listening, Meatball Head.  I appreciate it.”
 With a look that said that she was insulted, Serena snapped, “Stop calling me that, I don’t need it.  I get enough of it from Raye and Lita.”
 Smiling tiredly, he tried again, “Alright Serena, thanks.”
 Coral smiled to herself, and thought, it seems that the seeds of friendship have been sewn once again.  Why did this seem all so familiar, she wondered though, after all she should know why.  She was, after all, the Sailor Scout of Memories.

 Zoicite stared down at the tender scene unfolding below him.  How sick, he thought, and who cares what Beryl wants, I want Tuxedo Mask dead now for all he’s done to me.
 Slowly, he raised his hands and a huge ball of lightening formed in his hands.  Once it reached full capacity, Zoicite threw it down at the elevator.

 Coral looked up and screamed at what she saw, “Darien look, lightening.”
 Darien glanced up and his eyes widened.  Three words he whispered caught her attention, “In Serenity’s name.”
 For a second, the three stared at it.  Then Coral realized that she had no choice but to transform in front of her brother.
 Coral growled, “That’s it Zoicite, you’re Moondust!”
 Darien looked at her in confusion and Serena looked at her with pure fright as Coral screamed, “Memory Dream Power!”
 A picture of the stars appeared behind her.  Slowly, the four in the corners began to shine and shot a beam right into her locket.  The star on the locket erupted out with four ribbons and they created her body suit.  Other stars began to move and wrapped themselves around her feet and arms, creating gloves and high heels, like Sailor Mars’s shoes.  Finally her tiara formed with a yellow jewel and her pointing finger pointed at the glowing jewel.  The pose was done with several pictures of her friends in the background, like she’s remembering these things.
 “Coral,” Darien gasped softly, “you’re Sailor Memory?!”
 Serena followed her friends example, screaming, “Moon Prism Power!”
 Darien looked at Serena and whispered, “It’s her… Serena’s Sailor Moon!”
 Without hesitating, Sailor Memory grabbed their hands and threw them to the top, causing her to lose her balance (she’s got some sort of extreme strength that causes her to be able to do that ^_~).  Slowly, she started to slide down toward the smoldering remains of the elevator.
 “Sailor Memory,” Sailor Moon screeched in concern.
 Miraculously, she caught hold of a piece of rock and slowly began to climb up.
 “So, you managed to survive,” snarled Zoicite.
 Sailor Moon glared at her adversary, “It takes more than a bolt of lightening to destroy Sailor Moon and Sailor Memory.  You should know that after all of this time negasleeze!”
 “I’m not interested in you, Moontwit.  I’m interested in Tuxedo Mask.”
 “Well,” cried Sailor Memory, “you’re gonna have a hard time getting to him with us around.”
 Zoicite burst out laughing, “Yea right, the so-called leader of the Sailor Scouts, a total klutz who depends on her second in command, the other Sailor Wimps, and Tuxedo Mask to bale her out of trouble.  I doubt she’ll be much of a challenge.  You, Sailor Memory, on the other hand, are a different matter.  I know better than to underestimate you.  You’re more of a leader than Sailor Moon will ever be!”
 For a moment, everyone was silent.  Finally, Darien could stand it no longer, he shouted, “He’s wrong Sailor Moon!  You’ve got to believe in yourself.  The scouts, despite appearances, believe in you, and so do I!”  With these words, he whipped out a rose and transformed into Tuxedo Mask, Sailor Moon’s true love.
 Upon seeing this, Sailor Moon whimpered, “Darien… you’re Tuxedo Mask?”
 Nodding, he stepped in front of the two Sailor Scouts, snarling, “Enough chitchat Zoicite, time for the duel.  Winner takes all.”
 With a low voice, Zoicite answered, “Even if I don’t get the Rainbow Crystals, it shall be a great pleasure in taking you out!  Zoi!”
 At that same moment, Tuxedo Mask threw a bouquet of roses at his opponent.  This went on for a few minutes when Zoicite decided he’d had enough.  Without hesitation, a crystal dagger was thrown at Sailor Moon’s back. Unfortunately, Darien saw it and screamed, “Sailor Moon look out!”
 Moving quickly, he dove for her and took the dagger right where the first had hit.  He fought the urge to cry out.
 Sailor Moon and Sailor Memory, on the other hand, had no such restrictions.  In perfect unison, they shrieked, “Nooooooooooooo!”
 All of his strength gone, Tuxedo Mask fell to the ground.  The two crying Scouts ran to either side of him.
 “Darien, you can’t leave me,” Sailor Memory whimpered, “you are all I have left.”
 “Yes, and though I never said it to you, you mean the world to me Darien,” cried Sailor Moon.
 Weakly, he smiled at his two angels and whispered, “Do me one last favor my angels, find the Rainbow Crystals and set the Moon Princess and Memory Princess free for me.  I’ve been trying to do that all along, but I haven’t had much success.  Will you do this for me?”
 Tears still rolling down their cheeks, they nodded silently.
 The smile still on his face, Darien’s eyes faded closed.
 For a second, the two just stared at him in surprise, then, without warning they burst into gut-wrenching screams.
 When they finally ran out of breath, Sailor Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Luna, Artemis, and Salem burst onto the roof.  At the sight of their two friends crying, they stopped in their tracks and stared.  Sailor Moon was one thing, but Sailor Memory never had cried in as long as they’d known her.  Above them, the seven Rainbow Crystals had reappeared and were merging with the Crescent Moon Wand.
 “The Silver Imperium Crystal,” Luna breathed.
 Once the Silver Crystal had finished merging with the Wand, Sailor Memory’s Past Memories Wand rose up from her hand.  The combined power of the joined Crystal and Wand began to shine upon it.  Slowly, on the top of the Wand, another Crystal appeared.
 “In the name of the Star’s, it’s the Memory Crystal,” Salem gasped, totally dazed.
 “I wonder what happens now,” wondered Artemis.
 “Don’t know, maybe our Princess’s will be revealed,” concluded Luna.
 Everyone’s attention was then drawn back to the two bewildered Sailor Scouts sitting beside the fallen form of Tuxedo Mask.  As if in a trance, they rose and stared at the Crystals intently.  Without warning, their tiaras began to shine.  They dissipated and revealed a small Crescent Moon on Sailor Moon’s forehead and a golden sign of infinity on Sailor Memory’s forehead.
 “It’s Sailor Memory and Sailor Moon,” gasped Sailor Venus unbelievingly.
 Mercury quickly caught on as well, “They are the Memory Princess and the Moon Princess that we’ve been searching for so long.  Way cool.”
 Mars, though she was still in shock, managed, “Who’d of thought that Sailor Moon would be the Moon Princess of all people?”
 “Yea,” agreed Jupiter, “in Sailor Memory’s case, it’s a little more believable.  But Sailor Moon, this is a total blow away.  But they were right there all along, and we didn’t see them!”
 Everyone continued to stare at their long lost Princesses in amazement.  Their Sailor Suits had disappeared and revealed into, in Princess Serenity’s case, a white dress with a gold circular pattern at the neckline and puffed sleeves.  Princess Memory’s dress was pure gold silk, with spaghetti straps, the only part that wasn’t gold was right below the neckline, where the orange sign of Venus, the red sign of Mars, the green sign of Jupiter, the blue sign of Mercury, the aqua green sign of Neptune, the navy blue sign of Uranus, the purple sign of Saturn, and the garnet red sign of Pluto were etched into the fabric.
 “My god,” Salem breathed, “they’re as beautiful as they were so long ago.”  At these words, the little infinity on his forehead began to glow, just as Luna’s crescent moon began to shine.
 “Enough with all the silly chatter,” shouted Zoicite, “I want those Crystals and I want them now!  Zoi!”
 Before anyone could utter a warning cry, the attack was upon the princesses.  Yet, they merely held up their wands and whispered three words apiece, Memory’s were, “Cosmic Memory Power!”
 Serenity’s words were, “Cosmic Moon Power!”
 “No,” screeched Zoicite as he was turned into a pile of moondust.”
 Princess Memory lowered herself to Tuxedo Mask’s side, followed by Princess Serenity.  One look at their beloved, the tears began to stream down their faces once again.
“Tuxedo Mask,” whispered Memory, “don’t you dare go now, not after all we’ve been through.”  Memory looked up at Serenity, who nodded.
 With grace, they raised their wands and cried, “Moon Healing Activation, Memory Healing Activation!”
 The two powerful crystals threw beams of light onto the still form of Tuxedo Mask, healing his wounds and memory blocks that had tormented him for so long, more than physical wounds.
 After a minute, the beams stopped, causing the two princesses to collapse beside the newly healed Tuxedo Mask, who was just waking up, their dresses disappearing to reveal the Sailor Suits once again.
 “Sailor Moon, Sailor Memory,” screamed the four other scouts and three cats.  Without any concern for themselves, they ran to the three figures.  Sailor Mars placed Sailor Moon’s head in her lap gently, Sailor Venus and Sailor Mercury did the same for Sailor Memory and Tuxedo Mask.
 “Sailor Moon,” cried Mars, “wake up!  Can’t you here me?”
 Jupiter checked their pulses and saw that they were fine, just tired.  When she said this, they’re eyes began to open.
 “Darien,” the two muttered at the same time.
 “Serenity, Memory,” he answered softly, barely moving, “thank you.”
 The Scouts got them comfortable when Salem spoke up, “Guys, if we’re gonna defeat the Negaverse, you must understand your past.  Do you wish to here this?”
 When everyone nodded, Luna began the great tale, “One thousand years ago, we all lived in a wonderful time called the Silver Millennium.  There was no war, no poverty, nothing but happiness.”
 “Then Queen Beryl and the Negaforce attacked the heart of the Silver Millennium, the Moon Kingdom, without warning.  You four,” Artemis nodded to Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Mercury, “were killed defending the kingdom.  Princess Memory defeated Beryl, but it cost her life.  Prince Darien died defending Princess Serenity, who committed suicide at the sight of her fiancé, cousin, and four best friends dead.”
 “Soon, the only survivors were Queen Serenity, who was Princess Serenity’s mother and Princess Memory’s aunt, Luna, Artemis, and myself were left alive.  The Queen, who was already weak from trapping the Seven Shadows, used the last of her strength to send the seven of you to the future, and us three cats to be your guardians,” Salem finished the tale sadly, “the strain was enough to kill the Queen.  But, she died with the knowledge that her daughter, her niece, and the others would be safe and peaceful.”
“So it was Beryl who’s caused us so much pain, has it,” Jupiter snarled, “when I get the chance, I’ll smash her puny body into sushi!”
 Venus, Mars, Mercury, Tuxedo Mask, and Sailor Moon heartily agreed, but Memory just shook her head.
 “What do you mean Sailor Memory,” asked Sailor Mars, “you can’t give up now!”
 Slowly, she turned to them and said, “In the Silver Millennium, I continued fighting.  It cost me the lives of my friends, and… the only man to ever conquer my heart.”
 Mercury asked, “What do you mean?”
 Glancing at Tuxedo Mask, Memory answered, “When Prince Darien came to the Moon Kingdom, he brought his four guardians and his cousin, Prince Michael.  Serena, you fell in love with the Prince, Venus fell in love with Malachite, Mars fell for Jadeite, Jupiter went for Nephrite, and Mercury fell for Zoicite, and I fell in love with Michael.  He was the one who conquered my heart.  Several months after the six of them arrived at the Moon Kingdom, Beryl kidnapped Zoicite and Nephrite.  Michael was next on her list.  Yet, when she tried to take him, he attacked her.  A youma appeared and stuck a dagger into his heart.  You see, Beryl knew that if she tore the Sailor Scouts hearts apart, then Princess Serenity would never be able to defeat her,” by know, Memory was sobbing, “we found Michael when he was about gone.  He died in my arms.  I was Beryl’s true target.  And it cost Michael his life.  Then she attacked the Moon Kingdom and killed you guys.  It was all because I wouldn’t give up.”  With these words, Memory curled up into a ball and sobbed her heart out, a strange sight to the others, who’d never seen her cry like this.
 For a few minutes, the only sound was Memory’s quiet sobs.  Finally, Venus walked over to her new, or perhaps old, friend and softly said, “Memory, I know it’s been a long time, but I know that this is what Beryl wants you to do, give up.  It would leave one less defense for Princess Serenity.  Now, I don’t remember Prince Michael much, but I have a feeling that he wouldn’t want you to give up, you’ve gotta believe me.”
 Memory stared at her, not saying anything.  Then, something that had been missing for as long as everyone could remember burned in her eyes, it was her true strength, she whispered, “Venus, thank you so much!  You’ve given me my will back.”
 “Anything for an old friend.”  Venus helped Memory up and went to help Mercury find a way out of what was left of the Starlight Tower.  With the Scouts big brains working together, it only took fifteen minutes to find a way out.
 Once they were outside, Tuxedo Mask turned to Sailor Moon, “Well, my Princess, I shall see you at the arcade tomorrow, right?”
 Smiling with a happiness that hadn’t been seen in a long time, she nodded.  The others smiled at the sight of the two together again and began to walk home, now truly aware of their destines.  It would be a hard fight, but they knew that they could do it together.


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