Hi Minna-chan.  I was in a dark mood when I wrote this story.  Sorry, do you forgive me?  This is not the first fiction I have ever wrote but it is the only one on the net.  The others have gone on forever and I can't decide how to end them, or I have read another fiction with the same Idea after I wrote mine.  This story isn't very long but I hope you like it anyway.

Standard Disclaimer: Sailor Moon Does not belong to me, neither do any aspects surrounding her.  So please don't sue me.  I don't have any money, besides a 5 cent coin I found in a drain but even then the cost of the lawyers would be much more than what I have, so please don't.

When will the pain end?
Written by Sailor Wade a.k.a Sammi-chan

I stare at the faces around me.  Not a smile among them and I'm glad.  Cause if I did I would seriously kill them.  Who ever they were.  I'm not usually like this but it's not every day you go through as much suffering as I have.

My heart sank to my feet when I found the ransom note.  The money for my daughter.  We had no choice.  We paid the ransom and waited for our child to be returned.  She wasn't.  The next thing we received was yet another ransom note demanding more money, so we paid that to.  We didn't care how much we had to pay, we just wanted her back.

After the money was sent the kidnapper sent our daughter back.  But she was changed forever.  The kidnapper had stolen her heart.  It sounds nice and sweet but I don't think so.  That bastard literally took a knife and goddamn stole her heart. They say that the worst thing to happen to a person is to outlive their child.  I know that saying all to well.

I once again look at the people around me.  Family, friends and my daughter's guardians.  When we found out that our little girl was a Sailor Scout, we weren't a bit surprised.  We were glad.  But now we wish she never was a fighter for justice.  Being a Sailor Scout was the reason she was taken.

I hear the priest in the back of my mind but I'm not paying attention.  I just stare at the gravestone, the words playing over and over again.  Once the funeral is over everyone says their last good-byes to their friend and slowly I am the only one left.  The words running through my head:

A loving daughter devoted friend and courageous fighter.  She will be dearly missed by anyone who met her.  May she rest in peace.
Here lies Serenity Usagi Small Lady Chiba

Did you like it?  Please send all coments, flames and suggestions for a new story[only if you want, I'm stuck for idea's ;) Don't worry, I'll credit you for the idea] to Sailor_Wade@yada-yada.com.  Hope to hear from you
BTW: I'm also writing a fiction about Pokemon and if you have any infomation about Butch, Cassidy, Giovani, and that pokemon Breader that took care of Pokemon outside of the hidden village I would really appriciate it

Till next time

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