(genre: shounen/boys, mecha)

    This is great show about 5 boys who were trained from a very young age to be warriors.  The setting is Earth, in the year A.C. (After Colony) 195.  The Federation took control of the colonies, and now an organization called OZ is taking over the Federation.  Five colonies sent secret weapons to Earth to fight for their independence.  The secret weapons were Gundams, special mobile suits (mecha) made from Gundanium alloy, which is very strong.  The five young pilots and their Gundams are:  (From L1 colony) Heero Yuy, Gundam Wing; (From L2) Duo Maxwell, Gundam Deathscythe; (From L3) Trowa Barton, Gundam Heavyarms; (From L4) Quatre Raberba Winner (<==that's a mouthful, huh?) Gundam Sandrock; (From L5) Wufei Chang, Gundam Shenlong.  The boys each have different stories and different ways of coping with all the killing and destruction they are forced to commit.  Heero suppresses his emotions and tries to be the Perfect Soldier.  He usually wears black spandex shorts and a green tanktop.  He has tried MANY times to self-destruct, rather than letting OZ get a hold of his mobile suit.  Heero had a very traumatic childhood, but it has been said that he used to be a very sweet little boy.  Duo is a loudmouthed American joker, with a long braid and cobalt blue eyes.  He dresses in a priest type shirt with black jodhpurs.  Duo is melodramatic, and he provides all sorts of great quotes!  He sometimes calls himself Shinigami (the God of Death) which is the Japanese name of his Gundam.  Can you tell that Duo is my favorite of the Gundam pilots?  Trowa is very quiet and has long brown bangs that usually cover one of his eyes, which are green.  When he's not on missions he travels with a circus as a clown (a kind of sad clown).  Trowa is very tall and slender.  Quatre is the very sweet, very polite only son of a rich family.  He's considerate and kind and he's got blond hair and pretty blue-green eyes (strange, considering he's Arabian).  He usually wears a pink shirt and gray vest and brown pants.  He has a huge amount of older sisters, something like 29 I believe (no,no, their only half-sisters.)  He's very good at art and music.  Wufei is a strong Chinese warrior, who is actually pretty insecure in my opinion.  He usually wears white clothes.  He's semi-obsessed with justice, strength, being worthy and stuff like that, but there's a very good reason for that (which I will not tell you yet.)  He calls his Gundam "Nataku", which I will also explain later.  One more thing:  the Gundams' Self-Destruct System is pretty much a joke!  There's also an OAV called Endless Waltz that takes place one year after the war is over.

My personal opinion on the pairings:  OK, anyone who's read a GW fanfic probably knows what I'm talking about, anyone else, well, you'll see.  As I mentioned earlier, I like yaoi/shounen ai (male/male) stories.  This doesn't mean I'm opposed to male/female relationships or anything!  (I'm not opposed to yuri either, I just haven't ever read a yuri fic that I liked) Anyway, my favorite pairings are: Heero and Duo;  Trowa and Quatre; and I haven't decided on Wufei yet, but I think its kind of inconceivable that he has a relationship with Treize.  These pairings are just my favorites, mind you. I've certainly read some excellent fics with other setups.  One thing I absolutely do not like is Relena.  I don't hate her or anything.  I just don't think she has a chance with Heero.  (I also think she's a little psycho, but hey, who in GW isn't at least a little screwed up!)  Anyway, if somebody sent in a Heero and Relena fic that I thought was good, I would definitely post it.  I also think Zechs and Noin are sweet together, (see I told you I'm not opposed to male/female relationships!) and I just haven't decided WHAT is goin on with Treize!  Anyway I will get more into all of this crap when I make an actual page for my dear Gundam Wing.  I will definitely be hosting GW lemons, but probably no PWP (Plot? What Plot?!?).

I plan on having all sorts of stuff about Gundam Wing, like episode summaries, character profiles (I will write my own because I don't agree with a lot of the profiles that are out there.) fanfics, where to find good MP3's, image galleries and much much more!

Duo trying to steal Heero's cake
All of the pilots (from left to right):  Quatre, Duo, Heero, Trowa, and Wufei.  The only one who's normal personality is not being portrayed is Trowa.

Heero and Duo
Heero and Duo in uniforms from Endless Waltz.

The pilots having a pajama party
The five boys having a pajama party!  Their pajamas are all labelled too!!

Pictures from:  Kristi's Gundam Wing Image Gallery