Ludwigshalle, Dieburg, Germany. 9 November 1998

Released by the Front Row Club: January 17, 2002


Dieburg 1998 CD Cover


2 CD UK : Front Row Club: FRC-001

CD 1 CD 2

A Few Words for the Dead

[08:18] 1. Cathedral Wall [06:31]
2. Under the Sun [04:06] -= First Encore =-

Man of a Thousand Faces

[04:15] 2. This Strange Engine [23:12]
4. Mad [08:10] -= Second Encore =-
5. Three Minute Boy [06:35] 3. Memory of Water (Big Beat Version) [08:01]
6. 80 Days [05:49] 4. King [07:20]
7. Splintering Heart [06:55]
8. These Chains [04:56]
9. The Answering Machine [03:45
10. Cannibal Surf Babe [05:54]
11. Gazpacho [05:05]
Total Time CD1 [63:42] Total Time CD 2 [45:05]


Welcome to the Front Row Club!

This recording was made as a referencce for ourselves while touring and as an archive of our live performance - it was never planned to be released. We have taken the original recording and 'mastered' it to provide a better sonic experience, however it has not been re-touched or overdubbed in any way. This recording is provided "as is" - warts and all - for your listening pleasure, so please keep this in mind when listening!

The Front Row Club is intended for those with "Front Row" passion for the band and it's touring history. And, of course, the future! Thank you for sharing your passion with us.


When we decided to go ahead with the Front Row Club, it was left to me to listen to the tapes and decide which night from the Radiation tour to use. Because these were desk tapes (which have very little spill from the audience, and sometimes have too much or too little of certain instruments - depending on the volume of sound coming off our backline), I therefore had to find the combination of a great performance with a reasonably well-balanced mix.

Dieburg fitted the bill perfectly, with the exception of some distortion from the keyboards at the end of King - the result of Mark turning up to eleven! We decided to keep this in to make it a complete record of the night.

I mastered the album at home on my Pro Tools system.

Steve Rothery

Front Row Club Issue 1
Ludwigshalle, Dieburg, Germany
'Radiation' Tour, 9 November, 1998

Front Row Club releases are supplied to members on the understanding that these recordings will not be duplicated.

Front of House Engineer Stewart Every
Mastered for the front Row Club by Steve Rothery

Design by Erik Nielsen for Wing Nut Music
Polaroid Photography © Luigi Colasanti Antonelli

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(p) 2002 Front Row Club
© 2002 Front Row Club

Copyright © 1996, 2002 Bert ter Steege.
Last Modified: 13 aug 2002