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Welcome to our Adventure Books Section!  We've only got a few selections at present, but we think you'll enjoy both of them.  If you would like to email me with other selections, please feel free to do so.  As we read them, we'll be sure to add them to the selection!  Enjoy!




into the wild.gif (6093 bytes) Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer.  Follow along as a young man seeks the grand adventure in life, eventually heading into the bush in Alaska, only to be found dead in an abandoned school bus. What made him do it?  Why didn't he tell his parents where he was going?  Why was he so ill prepared? An interesting look into a young man's life with few answers and a tragic ending.  Read lots of good reviews on this book as you click the title here and go over to the Amazon site.  $12.60  For paperback version, click here.
intothinair.gif (7054 bytes) Into Thin Air:  A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster by Jon Krakauer.  A gripping tale of the people who assault Mt. Everest each year.   Even if you are not interested in mountain climbing, you will be fascinated with this true story of people who pay up to $50,000 each to climb Mt. Everest.  This is the true story of 2 groups upon whom tragedy struck.  Written by Outside Magazine's Jon Krakauer, who was part of this tragic climb.  One of the best adventure books of the year. Lots of great reviews at the Amazon site.    $17.47