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dickeygap3.jpg (13282 bytes) Welcome to a stop on the Appalachian Trail!  Listed below are books that we have read before we hiked the trail in '95 and some afterwards.  Whether you ever intend to hike even a part of the AT or not,  you will find all of these books to be very interesting reading. And they make for great Christmas presents!

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Note - the prices indicated below were current at the time this page was written. Clicking on the title or book jacket  will take you to where you can obtain the most current price and where you will be able to place your order.


emblidge AT Trail Reader.gif (6509 bytes) The Appalachian Trail Reader by David Emblidge is a web of stories regarding the Trail. History, geology, flowers, trail diaries, bridge building, poetry, Melville, Thoreau, and much more. I particularily enjoyed the essay from O, Appalachia by Harry Caudill written in 1973 which I'm afraid still holds true today. If you're at all interested in the Trail, this is a must for your library.  Hardback - $19.25.  Paperback version click here.


Luxemburg.gif (7332 bytes) Walking the Appalachian Trail by Larry Luxenberg is a fascinating study of many of those who have Thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail.  Take a moment to read these exerpts of Larry's interview with the infamous Warren Doyle  and with Wanda "The Breeze" Kurdziel.  Then come on back here and place that order - you'll love it.     $13.56

A Season on the Trail by Lynn Setzer does a great job of personalizing what the thruhiker experience is all about.  Lynn dropped in on hikers along the entire trail in '96 interviewing them  as she went.  By being out there, she can identify with their joys and their miseries and she relates it in such a way that you can't help but feel that you are there. Their comments are candid and right on and let you know what it's like to be a Thru-Hiker.  Paperback - $11.96


atbookjr.gif (14091 bytes) Appalachian Adventure: From Georgia to Maine: A Spectacular Journey on the Great American Trail  Teams of newspaper reporters hiked the Trail in '95 and wrote of their experiences and published them along with photos in the Sunday travel sections of many newspapers.  We followed them along the trail in '95 and always looked forward to reading their articles and seeing what lay ahead.  Plenty of photos and great illustrations. Hardback - $17.50
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Lost on a Mountain in Maine: A Brave Boy's True Story of his Nine Day Adventure Alone in the Mount Katahdin Wilderness by Donn Fendler.  Hardback - $10.30  Paperback, click here.  For those of you who have hiked the final mountain on the Appalachian Trail, take a moment to imagine what it would be like to be lost up there for 9 days with no food and you were only 10 years old.  Great book for your kids and very interesting reading for adults as well.


Logue.gif (5263 bytes) The Appalachian Trail Backpacker: Trail Proven Advice for Hikes of Any Length by Frank and Victoria Logue.  One of the valuable books Janet and I read before attempting our Thru-Hike in '95.  All kinds of good advice here.  To read a bit more about it and to check out the table of contents, click here.   Paperback - $8.76
The New Appalachian Trail by Ed Garvey.   A book that I have not had the opportunity to read yet, but is high on my wish list. (Hint,hint).   Ed was one of those early Thru-Hikers who first hiked the trail at age 55 in 1970 and carefully recorded his preparations and transcribed other useful information for those who would hike behind him. And hike they did, as thousands have since poured onto the trail stimulated in part by his first book on the trail.  Now follow along as he returns to the trail at age 75 in 1990 to attempt another Thru-hike.  One of the legends - should be a great read. Click here to read a bit more about Ed. . Paperback - $11.96


Blind Courage by Bill Irwin.  The story of a blind man's hike of the Appalachian Trail and of his seeing-eye dog companion "Orient".  If you have ever hiked even a section of the AT, you will shake your head in amazement.  Try closing your eyes while hiking on the AT for about 50 yards - you'll find out very quickly what he went through! A classic. Hardback - $19.95