Fighting tips

Training tips General tips How to get the different Digimons

Here's how to get the Digimon of your choice:


Agumon: Train and feed your Koromon so that all the hearts are full before he changes.

Betamon: Train and feed your Koromon very low so only one hunger and one strength heart will be full before he changes.


Your Digimon will turn into a Champion when it is 5 years old

Numemon: Get either an Agumon or Betamon and train and feed your rookie very low so only one hunger and one strength heart will be full by the time he changes.

Meramon: Get either an Agumon or Betamon and train and feed your rookie so only two hunger and two strength hearts will be full before he changes.

Seadramon: Get a Betamon and train and feed your Betamon so only one hunger and four strength hearts will be full before he changes. There is a 50/50 chance you can get a Seadramon because you might also get an Airdramon.

Tyrannomon: Get an Agumon and train and feed your Agumon so only two hunger and two strength hearts will be full before he changes (I'm not sure about this one).

Darkmon: Get either an Agumon or Betamon (I prefer Betamon to be easier) and train and feed him so that all hunger and all strength hearts will be full before he changes. If you try to get a Darkmon with an Agumon, you may also get a Greymon.

Greymon: Get an Agumon and train and feed him so that all hunger and all strength hearts will be full before he changes. You may also get a Darkmon.

Airdramon: Get a Betamon and train and feed it so that only one hunger and all strength hearts are full before it changes. There is a 50/50 chance of getting an Airdramon with this. You may also get a Seadramon.


Before you get an ultimate you must be 10 your victory rating must be over 50 (I think) and you must have had around 35 fights (again, I think that is true but I'm not certain).

Metal Greymon: Get either a Darkmon, Greymon, or Airdramon and train and feed him so that all hunger and all strength hearts will be full before he changes.

Mamemon: Get either a Meramon, Seadramon, or Tyrannomon and train and feed it so that only two hunger and two strength hearts will be full before he changes.
 Teddymon: Get a Numemon and train and feed him so that only one hunger and only one strength heart will be full before he changes.

Here are the digimons ranked from best to worst

3.Metal Greymon


Koromon to Agumon Normal Normal Normal No
Koromon to Betamon Low Slow Low Yes
Agumon to Greymon Normal Fast High No
Agumon to Tyrannomon High Normal High Yes
Agumon to Darkmon Normal Normal Normal No
Agumon to Meramon High Normal High Yes
Agumon to Numemon Low Slow Low Doesn't Matter
Betamon to Darkmon Normal Normal High Yes
Betamon to Meramon Normal Normal Normal No
Betamon to Airdramon High Normal Normal Yes
Betamon to Seadramon High Normal Normal No
Betamon to Numemon Low Slow Low Doesn't Matter
Darkmon, Greymon, and Airdramon to Metal Greymon High Fast High No
Meramon, Seadramon and Tyrannomon to Mamemon High Fast High No
Numemon to Teddymon Low Normal High No


How to get the digimon you want to get!


Reset your digimon to get this.


Wait about 5 minutes after setting the time.


Wait about 1 to 2 hours after your digimon hatches.


Keep at least 3 hearts full in hungry and strength at all times. Your digimon should turn into this in about when he is two years


Keep 1 or less hearts in hungry and strength filled at all times. Your digimon should turn into this when he is about 2 years old.


As soon as your digimon turns into an Agumon, keep 3 or more hearts filled in hungry and strength at all times.Your digimon
should turn into this when he is about 5 years old.

Note: You need an Agumon to get this digimon!


As soon as your digimon turns into an Agumon,keep 2 hearts filled in hungry and strength at all times.Your digimon might turn
into this when he is 5 years old, but I'm not sure about that.

Note: You need an Agumon to get this digimon!


As soon as your digimon turns into a Betamon/Agumon keep 3 or more hearts filled in hungry and strength at all times.Your
digimon could turn into this when he is 5 years old.


As soon as your digimon turns into a Betamon/Agumon,keep 2 hearts filled in hungry and strength at all times.Your digimon
should turn into this when he is 5 years old.


As soon as your digimon turns into a Betamon, keep 3 or more hearts filled in hungry and strength at all times.Your digimon
could turn into this when he is 5 years old.

Note: You need a Betamon to get this digimon!


As soon as your digimon turns into a Betamon, keep 2 hearts filled in hungry and strength at all times.Your digimon could turn
into this when he is 5 years old.

Note: You need a Betamon to get this digimon!!!


As soon as your digimon turns into a Betamon/Agumon, keep 1 or less hearts filled in hungry and strength at all times. Your digimon could turn into this when he is 5 years old.


As soon as your digimon turns into a Greymon/Airdramon/Darkmon, keep all the hearts filled and make sure you've battled him at least 21 times with a 45% victory rating.  If you're lucky, your digimon should turn into this when he is about 8-11 years old.

Note:You must have a Greymon/Airdramon/Darkmon     to get this digimon!!!

As soon as your digimon turns into a Meramon/Tyranomon/Seadramon, keep all your hearts filled at all times and make sure
you've fought at least 21 battles with a 45% victory rating. If you're lucky, your digimon should turn into this when he is about
8-11 years old.

Note: You must have a Meramon/Tyranomon/Seadramon to get this digimon!!!

As soon as your digimon turns into a Numemon, keep all of your hearts filled at all times and make sure you've battled at least
20 times with a 35% victory rating. If you're lucky, your digimon should turn into this when he is 8-11 years old.

Note: You must have a Numemon to get this digimon. It is the only one that can turn into a Teddymon.

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