Original Convoy

Original Convoy

You might be saying to yourself, "THIS IS A GEN 1 OPTIMUS PRIME!". Well, it is. Takara, unlike Hasbro, is celebrating the Transformers 15th Anniversary by re-releasing Original Convoy. Original Convoy is the EXACT same as Gen 1 Optimus Prime. Miss out on a Gen 1 prime, then get this baby!

Ah yes, the Optimus Prime we all remember. From the old school days, Original Convoy is back for good. Original Convoy comes with everything that Gen 1 Optimus Prime did, and he has the STICKER SHEET! God how I miss putting decals on Transformers I buy. Oh well. (Original Convoy comes with a silver roller. There are Gen 1 variations of Optimus Prime that also had the silver roller, but most had a blue roller.)

The great leader himself, Original Convoy has stood the test of time. Sometimes older is better!