prepared. Long before a tornado threatens decide on
where to go if a warning is issued. if you wait until a
tornado is approaching you may not have time to decide
and you could make a bad decision. Plan ahead then you
can act quickly!
1. Tornado movement may be erratic - Do not flee in a
car. Seek shelter and stay there.
2. If hail is falling, a tornado may be near. Hail is an
indicator of an intense or a servere storm.
3. Tornado winds do the damage - not falling pressure,do
not waste time opening windows.
4. Most deaths are caused bby wind-blown debris. When
out in the open find a low spot slightly below ground
level. Be cautious: ditches may also quickly fill with
water from heavy thunderstorm rains.
5. Tornado winds are slower closer to the ground. Lower is
better - head for the basement or lowest floor.
6. Tornados mayproduce a roar like a train - at night this
may be your only warning.
7. At Home - Plan now; designate your safe spot so you
can go there quickly when tornadoes are near.
8. At School - Follow the designated plan. Parents do not
put yourself in danger by going to school.
9. At Work - follow the designated safety plan.
10. In A Car - Try to enter a shelter. If none is available find
a low spot or ditch.Do not try to out run the tornado.
11. If you live in a mobile home - plan now. Mobile homes
are un safe in tornados situations; seek shelter in a sturdier building.