This page started out as my idea, just something for me and Friesen's Girl to look at. (By now you may have noticed that we have a Friesen's Girl and a Friesengrl! No, they're not the same person so you better check on the bios for that!) After school got out, I decided to let Marleau's Girl, Tommy Girl, and Friesengrl in on it. Hey, the more of us there are, the more fun it is! I made all of these pages, and the other four helped me create the player lists and find pictures. The comments that you see for most of the pictures are what I think...so is all the writing in blue! Each team has their own page and ratings given to them by each of us along with our reasoning. The ratings we give teams are grade letters; A or A- for excellent, B+, B, or B- for good, C+, C, or C- for okay, D+, D, or D- for awful, and F for hopeless. Within each team page are the names and pictures of each player we chose. The parenthesis next to a player's name indicates which of us admires him, because not all of us have the same tastes. Also with that we each write in different colors as we make comments about each player and team. To get to a player's individual page all you have to do is to click on their picture. Pretty easy, huh? Wanna meet OUR team? We're the ones who made this and put in all the time to search for pictures and to look up all these guys. Click on the banner below to read more about each of us!