Kobudo (weapons training} is a important part of the Martial Artists world. The fact is not a lot of schools offer weapons training. If you are a student interested in weapons training or an instructor who would like to be certified to teach weapons kobudo and issue rank in your school we can help you. A. K. I. offers VIDEO training and certification for qualified martial artist and instructors.
Training includes Bo, Jo, Tonfa, Kama, Sai, Boken, Nunchuck, Tanto with slow demonstrations of basic techniques and explanation of kata. In Kobudo as in Karate everthing hinges on the basics. You can't teach what you don't know
Students with mid-level rank in Karate (mid kyu rank} of any style are eligible. Students must provide a leter from their instructor along with a copy of rank certification and information listed below.
Instructors and other black belts who are trained in some weapons and not certified may submit a video of their skills for rateing and we will set up a program for certification.
A copy of a certificate, a letter from your Martial Arts instructor , or a letter from you giving a summary of experience, instructor, dates and locations of rank achievement. We are a small private school in a small town but we are selective in who we teach. This information is kept confidential and allows us to maintain a level of integrity.
I am licensed as MenKyo Kyoshi in weapons which allows me to give rank up to Renshi (mid level black belt). If you provide a video of yourself showing, basic stances, kata (forms) and any weapons training you have, then we can set up a video training sequence.
We then send you back a video demonstrating the weapons technique. When you learn the weapon(s) well enough to demonstrate by video one of your kata's with the weapon, then you return the video demonstrating your proficiency with those weapons.
This is the only way it will work without on site training, It works well but takes time. Remember it also takes time to learn and practice at the dojo. As the video progresses you have a training record. As you progress and earn rank you can also start teaching students and recover your training expenses.
Black Belts as with all students training in weapons first rank achieved is Green belt in Oikiryu Kobo Jutsu.
You then progress through Purple, Brown and are ready to test for Black Belt rank.
We charge an enrollment fee of $50.00. Once we receive this fee along with evidence of certification, a video tape of you demonstrating stances used in your style and some basic kata.
I review the tape and within two weeks return the video with weapons instructions demonstrated.
You must then practice the technique(s) to develop some ability with the weapon then video your demonstration and a basic kata (the kata can be one from your style or a Ju kata "freeform" of your design).
You then return the tape necessary fee and completed request for rank review. The tape is then reviewed the determination of rank proficiency made - and certificate issued.
We charge $30.00 for each rank certification and certificate issued (GREEN, PURPLE, BROWN) and a $50.00 fee for Black Belt Certification.
At each level additional instruction is added to the video and returned to you for your further study and development.
#1 - Tonfa, Nunchuck and Jo - Bo staff instruction.
#2 - Kama and Sai instruction.
#3 - Nunchuck and Katanna (Hapo Geri) instruction.
#4 - Demonstrate kata with each weapon and proficiency with one weapon.
Enroll $ 50.00
Green Belt $ 30.00
Purple Belt $ 30.00
Brown Belt $ 30.00
Black Belt $ 50.00
TOTAL $ 190.00
No, it's not free, but the fee's are spread out over the training period and you earn legitimate rank. Thank you for your interest in our weapons certification program. If you have further questions feel free to contact us.
P O BOX 1651, or
Rt. 2 Box 17A
Anadarko, OK 73005
United States
United States
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