Southern Hills Dojo
Anadarko, Ok
STUDENT OF THE MONTH JUNE 1999PHOTO: Wendy JohnsonRank: White Belt Home: Anadarko,Ok.Specialty: N.A. Age:12 Years old Wendy'S E-Mail is wendy Student of the mont for May 1999PHOTO: Nicholas Saltarelli Student of the month for April 1999 wasMitzi Avery Student of the month for March 1999 wasPHOTO: John Secondine STUDENT OF THE MONTH FEBURARY 1999 was: Brandon Avery JANUARY 1999 student of the month was: DEKODA BOST DECEMBER 1998 student of the month was: Jeremy Luttrell
JUNE 1999
PHOTO: Wendy Johnson
Rank: White Belt
Home: Anadarko,Ok.
Specialty: N.A.
Age:12 Years old
Wendy'S E-Mail is
Student of the mont for May 1999
PHOTO: Nicholas Saltarelli
Student of the month for April 1999 was
Mitzi Avery
PHOTO: John Secondine
Brandon Avery
JANUARY 1999 student of the month was:
DECEMBER 1998 student of the month was:
Jeremy Luttrell