Welcome to MP3 For Free
Can't find that certain MP3 on Napster or the FTP's? Well, you've come to the right place. The only place on the net that guarantees it will find that MP3 you have been looking forever for......FOR FREE!!! You only will need a password to get it....
To get your song, click on the link below to return to Macs MP3 Tradezone, you will see a banner advertising Playstation / Dreamcast. Click on it, then click on the box [Click here to enter], the password is always the 4th word in from the top left of the screen.
Once you have the password, fill out the form below. You will be emailed when your song is uploaded to the vault.
While waiting feel free to click on the link to freedrive below. The user name is OMD. You are welcome to use this password to get any other MP3s in the vault. Enjoy.
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