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If you are finding it hard to access this page, it only means that a certain someone keeps hacking into the web page account and tries to mess things up. Please ignore the problem!
And a note for the certain someone,
UP YOURS you little daughter of a Bitch!
Sorry for the crude language, but it had to be said.


Welcome to Pocahontas' Village! I am Meekopal and I would like to invite you into Pocahontas' world. Here you can experience different exceitments by entering each and every hut. But beware, you might actually be finding yourself having fun! Please come back again real soon!



The Spirit of Pocahontas
A wonderful stage show rendering of Disney's Pocahontas!
Pocahontas II Journey to a New World
Information about the new sequel.
Pocahontas Fan Fiction
Loved the movie? Well, now you can enjoy the same characters in more adventures!
Pocahontas Fan Art
Fanatics try to draw Pocahontas, come see!
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Want to talk about Pocahontas 24 hours a day, join the mailing list.
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