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Real Name:
Paul Arthurs
Oasis rhythm guitar, Bonehead, champion drinker, dad, bald guy
25 June, 1965
Birth Place:
Contact Address:

stars A Little Bit About Bonehead...
Bonehead truly is the unsung hero of Oasis. A lot of the main melodies in every Oasis song are the work of Bonehead's rhythm guitar. And, considering he played a part in founding the band, that makes him extra important! If you met him, you'd love him - he really is hilarious. I'll never forget the time that him and his brother Martin called me from Manchester - completely drunk - from the cover of Definitely Maybe, Bonehead's Manchester flat. And truly, he does like to be called Paul...
stars Bonehead's Links
Boneheads Bank Holiday
The Bonehead Stories
The Night I Got Drunk With Boneheads Brother
Kiss Bonehead!
stars Bonehead Moments...

Bonehead's Bank Holiday - the song... "...she said she went to Spain..."

Putting in an application for a personalized Oasis license plate. Because I've had one since May '95!


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