The Pitfalls of Partial Love

So, you've read the three types of relationships, and now you want to see how they mix and match. We'll start with the initial type of relationship combination:

  • Passion-Intimacy: This kind of relationship can be called the true "romantic love". After all, physical attraction combined with flowers and candy seems idyllic, doesn't it? However, this kind of relationship, which lacks Commitment, is short lasting because the fire will fade and boredom sets in, and the couple feels it's time to "move on" to find more fireworks and closeness with someone else.
  • Passion-Commitment: This relationship can be called the "foolish love". After all, intense physical attraction and total commitment can lend itself to slight obsession or preoccupation with the other person. This kind of relationship lacks the innate sense of TRUST, because with obsession and preoccupation comes doubt that your mate can POSSIBLY love you as much as you love your mate.
  • Intimacy-Commitment: This kind of relationship is more of a long-term friendship than a marriage. There is acceptance of the other person and a commitment to stay together, but as we all know, marriages need PASSION as well, and the I-C relationship is little more than 2 adults living together and splitting rent.

    The Ideal Relationship

    The ideal relationship will begin with passion, for all good couples are genuinely attracted to each other at the outset. This passion will lead to intimacy and friendship, as they learn more about each other and accept each other. If the couple is lucky, then they will move from intimacy to commitment as they realize that they will take this relationship one step further and make a lasting decision to stay together through thick and thin. Finally, commitment leads to passion - because once that commitment is made, you find that you are more in love with that person than you thought! See the wonderful circle of love!!! A continuing effort at all of these factors will produce a healthy and loving marriage!