Pics and Such 

Here are some pics and descriptions of some cats I have been sent. Please feel free to send me your cat's photo with a story or a description. The more I have here, the better I like it. *S* I love cats of every shape and size. If you have a homepage, include that with the photo, and I will link to your page through the photo.


This is Johnny Cat.   
He is my baby, and he owns me.  *S*  He loves to give really big hugs and loves to sit in my lap when I play on the computer.  He has the Kitty 'Tude all felines seem to come with. LOL 
He is Caramelo.  
He is from Brazil. 
I love him more now than before.  He dropped off the 10th floor of a building. I took care of him. Now he is my owner. He is beautiful, heh? 
This is Martika. 
She is very photogenic, don't you think??
Say hello to Baby!!
Sussie is so pretty!