As you can see, these are two different pics of him, the top one being the most recent one I have of him right now. I have more pics and may add them later. I like him the way he is, and would change nothing about him. He is terrific!!
This is Arthur, or Nightrider as he is most commonly known. He is my friend, and soulmate!!! He lives in Queensland, Australia. I met him over two years ago. He is the best friend I have had in a long time. He knows me better than I know myself sometimes. *S* He was the first one I chatted with when I came online. He is sweet and wonderful, and I love him for who he is, and how much he has delighted me over these many, many years. He is an excellent Web designer, and I respect his talent, and have learned a lot from him. Take a couple of moments to go have a look at his creations. You will be delighted!! Thanks, Babe, for being the wonderful man you are. Love ya!!