Sailormoon SuperS is the fourth season of the popular anime show
Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon. The main villian is Queen Neherenia,
who is looking for the Golden Crystal. The amazon-related villians
(The Trio and the Quartet) are ordered to find the host of Pegausus,
who (I believe) is the keeper of the Golden Crystal. The villians of
SuperS are all performers at the Dead Moon Circus, which is
basically a way to coverup their actions. Neherenia isn't the one who
gives the amazon villians their orders, Zirconia does.
The first group of villians in SuperS were the Amazon Trio: FishEye,
TigersEye and HawksEye. They failed in capturing Pegasus for
Neherenia and getting the Golden Crystal. However, they were given
dream mirrors by Pegasus. In the anime, I think all of them were
killed by Neherenia. In the manga, they changed back into a fish, a
tiger and a hawk and went with Pegasus to his home, Elysian.
After the failure of the Amazon Trio, a quartet of girls were
introduced as the Amazoness Quartet: Cere Cere, Jun Jun, Palla
Palla (Para Para) and Ves Ves (Besu Besu). They were given the
same mission of finding the host of Pegasus, and overall, the Golden
Crystal. Each Amazoness was given an Amazon Stone which would
keep her young and provide her with magical powers. The stones
are color-coded (CereCere-yellow, JunJun-green, ParaPara-blue,
In each episode, Zirconia gives the quartet a picture of the selected
target and the girls tend to argue over who will go after the target.
(VesVes appears to go after targets more than the others). The
amazonesses also have cue balls and cue sticks which they use to
shoot their amazon stone at their victim to look for the Golden Mirror
(Pegasus' hiding place). Once the stone hits the victim, their dream
mirror appears in front of them. Regular dream mirrors are pink, but
the mirror containing Pegasus is Golden.
In each series, the monster-of-the-day has a special name. In
SuperS, the monsters are called Lemures. They are called forth
typically when an amazoness encounters the senshi while extracting
a dream mirror. The lemure swallows the dream mirror, but the
senshi somehow manage to retrieve it everytime and return the
mirror to its owner. Here's an interesting fact: All the lemures are
female, except the ones Jun Jun calls forth. Jun Jun's lemures are all
male. | ||||