A Garden Walk
by Pathfindr

Xelloss snarled. Pacing in the second parlor he continued his train of thought. "How could she turn to him. That monster, that freak." He snarled.

Slowly he looked up and gazed upon her picture. Ah so beautiful so young.

"I love her. I don’t know how but I have completely fallen in love with her. AND SHE’S NOT MINE." Xelloss yelled in his mind.

He continued to seethe. He would kill the man who had stolen her from him. "But I might hurt her and I couldn’t stand to hurt her."

Leaning against the wall his staff glowed a blood red color. Showing its masters true emotional state. Xelloss stopped and just gazed at the picture. Seething about her choice but knowing he would never force his attention on her. Behind him the door opened slowly.

"Xelloss are you in here." Opening the door she came in all the way.

<Ah my love you are here. > He said to himself.

"What are you doing in here? Why don’t you come and celebrate with us?"

"I really don’t feel like it. To many people in there."

She just looked at him, her eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Xelloss lets take a walk in the garden. I know how you feel. It is a bit stuffy in there."

Xelloss was delighted. She wanted to walk with him, just him. Grateful for one of those few boons. Being the perfect gentleman he took her hand in his.

<It’s so small. > Sighing happily but knowing this would be the last time he could do this. He walked out with her into the garden. The stars shined merrily and all the creatures of the night were singing their joy of it. Strolling between the garden walls they came upon a small fountain. Sitting on a bench they watched the stars.

"You know Xelloss you are a funny man. Watching you tear yourself apart inside."

Xelloss looked down in wonder. <How did she know? I didn’t let any of it show. >

"I know. Your wondering how I knew. All I can say is a woman knows"

"Well umm how do I say…?"

"Shush, you don’t have to say anything." Placing a finger gently on his lips she continued. "Besides I think it is funnier then anything, to watch you get upset over the man I love."

<Heartless bitch, but I love her anyway. >

"I am sorry you feel this way Xelloss, but I have to follow my heart."

Xelloss slumped, showing defeat for once. "All I can say is, I wish you both well.

"So do I." Then standing up she kissed him full on the lips.

Xelloss was stunned by what was happening. Quickly though he started responding to her attentions and taking control of them. Finally breaking away for air he asked her. 

"Why’d you do that?"

"I told you I had to follow my heart."

Very intelligently he said. "Huh?"

"Silly, when I said follow my heart, I meant you. "


"Xelloss when I first saw you I was kinda nervous but soon came to love you mind, body, and soul."

Snuggling up to his side she sighed. "Xelloss you are the one I want to live with forever!"

"But what about the other guy?" Xelloss asked even after he wrapped his arms around her.

"Who him, he is a really good friend from my childhood. So of course I have to spend at least one night getting reacquainted with him."

"Whatever, I don’t care. You’re just mine now!" 

"For now and forever."

Wrapping his arms around her more, he kissed Sylphiel a little deeper.