The Hardest Thing
by Steph,
Ifni no Miko
The lyrics are from "The Hardest Thing," by 98 Degrees, from their
album 98 Degrees and Rising. Song lyrics are in
We both know that I shouldn't be here, this is wrong
And baby it's killin' me, it's killin' you, both of us tryin' to be
He couldn't! It wasn't possible! It simply could not be possible!
But he was ... in love ...
I've got somewhere else to be, promises to keep
Someone else who loves me, and trust me fast asleep
He had seen her from afar, watching her whenever Eris's back was
turned. Observing every movement of her hands, every twinkle in her
eye, every flap of her cape, every swish of her silky hair, every blow
she dealt to her companions and enemies alike. There was only one
problem. He had to kill her.
I've made up my mind, there is no turning back
She's been good to me, and she deserves better than that
She had never done anything to him specifically, but she had done
something to his predecessor. The one he was created from. The one
that Eris was so devoted to. He hated Eris for that, for making him
like Him. He could care less about Lina's death, but it was necessary,
no matter how much it hurt ...
It's the hardest thing I'll never have to do
To look you in the eye and tell you I don't love you
He must kill her! To prove to Eris forever that he was not Rezo and
never would be Rezo!
It's the hardest thing I'll ever have to lie
To show no emotion when you start to cry
He didn't want to hurt Lina. In fact, he just wanted to see her face to
face. Maybe she would accept him as himself, not as a copy. She
accepted the Chimera as he was. Why not himself?
I can't let you see what you mean to me
When my hands are tied and my heart's not free
He had no choice ...
We're not meant to be it's the hardest thing I'll never have to do
To turn around and walk away pretending I don't love you
Could he pull it off when she finally came to him? Could he hold his
emotion inside when he made the killing blow?
I know that we'll meet again, Fate has a place and time
So you can get on wit your life, I've got to be cruel to be kind
Fate was crueler than cruel in making the woman who was supposed to be
his enemy his heart's desire.
Like Dr. Zhivago, all my love I'll be sending
And you'll never know 'cause there can be no happy ending
There was no way out of this. No way to save her. No way to save
It's the hardest thing I'll never have to do
To look you in the eye and tell you I don't love you
They were coming, she was coming. In a moment of pure triviality, he
spent the entire day planning his wardrobe. What would he say?! Forget
that, what would he do?!
It's the hardest thing I'll ever have to lie
To show no emotion when you start to cry
Damn Eris for her interference! If it wasn't for her .... He wouldn't
be alive ... he owed her, and because of that he would have to kill his
I can't let you see what you mean to me
When my hands are tied and my heart's not free
He would be strong ... he would prove himself. He just wanted to prove
himself to Lina ...
We're not meant to be it's the hardest thing I'll never have to do
To turn around and walk away pretending I don't love you
They were here ... and she was more beautiful than any image or picture
could possibly be or show. More fire, more life. A life he would
have to snuff out. If only he could hold her once ... and tell her how
much he loved her ...
Maybe another time, another day
As much as I want to, I can't stay
He couldn't delay any longer with this lie, the lie of weakness. Eris
was suspecting. He left. Let her find him, he was finding Lina.
I've made up my mind, there is no turning back
She's been good to me and she deserves better than that
It is thrilling to race her to the heart of His lab. Thrilling to see
she had succeeded. She could save herself now.
It's the hardest thing I'll never have to do
To look you in the eye and tell you I don't love you
Damn Eris again! He would make her suffer for interfering with him.
Her "control" had gone on long enough. Good-bye Eris.
It's the hardest thing I'll ever have to lie
To show no emotion when you start to cry
She only needed to cast the spell! Just kill him and save her life. To
die by her hands was worth more than any success over Him.
I can't let you see what you mean to me
When my hands are tied and my heart's not free
I promise to be gentle and quick. I promise to make it as easy as I
can. Goodbye Lina-chan ... beloved ...
We're not meant to be it's the hardest thing I'll never have to do
To turn around and walk away pretending I don't love you