Sore wa Hensai Desu
by Ashe Rhyder

hensai – accident

"SEIREI!!!" Universal manager Joushi Tenshi roared, shaking the heavens. "GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW!" The doors to her office swung open, their massive size dwarfing the height of the slender, winged child before them.

"Ano..." Seirei whispered, entering and standing on tip toe to see over the edge of his boss's desk.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" Joushi Tenshi bellowed, pulling up a portal view. "DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TROUBLE THIS IS GOING TO CAUSE?!" The image of a buxom woman clad in a black leather bikini-type outfit laughing madly and being drooled over by a floating man with straight, shoulder length violet hair popped up on the screen. Instantly recognizing the two, Seirei was glad the portal was on mute.

"Sore wa hensai desu..." He murmured, trying his best to look innocent. With spiky lavander hair and sharp eyes, he didn't pull it off very well.

"Honestly, Seirei, sometimes I think you're pure Mazoku, the way you go off and pull stunts like this!" With a sigh, she collapsed in her chair. "Go on, fix what you did before I end up having to screw with the design of the world again. Shoo!" A second exhasperated sigh was uttered as she waved him off.

Seirei stuck his tongue out at the closed office doors, then stalked off. Well, if the world wasn't ready for those two yet, then he'd just have to make it so. After all, it had been the perfect shot...


"OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!" Naga laughed, causing several of her companions to wince in pain. "I, Naga the White Serpent, am once again triumphant over you!" She stood melodramatically, with her hands on her hips and her cape billowing behind her. Lina glared at her.

"If you'd stop cheating, maybe more people would play cards with you." She snarled.

"OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!" the buxom egotist laughed again, and Zelgadis rushed from the room before his eardrums burst. "Me, cheat? Why Lina, you must be jealous of my skill at cards! OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!"

"Laugh again, dearest." Xellos fawned over her, a dazed smile plastered to his face. "They hurt so much... I love it when you laugh..." He glomped onto her affectionately, and Lina left the room in disgust.

"Go fish!" Gourry proclaimed triumphantly, having long since stuck socks in his ears to prevent her laughter from effecting him. Ameria, Xellos, and Naga sweatdroped.

"Gourry-san, we're not playing 'Go fish', we're playing poker." Ameria whispered to him, but he didn't hear her. With a sigh, she resigned to her cards, but made a hasty retreat by the sixth time the 'White Serpent' laughed.


It was almost a shame to have to undo the arrow's work. But Joushi Tenshi was boss, and what she said, went. He lined up the dark tipped arrow on his bow, the blood red gems inset in the wood gleaming lightly. With a pout, he let the shaft fly... and hit the Mazoku perfectly in the rear. And the Trickster Priest continued to fawn over Naga. Seirei shrugged, pleased that Xellos was not affected by the second shot, then darted off. There were so many other toys to play with, after all...