"Miss Lina, can you teach me the Dragon Slave?"
Oh no, I think, bored, I was sure she gave up.
"Amelia, you can't use black magic, and the Dragon Slave is the most powerful spell that you can obtain with black magic."
Amelia looks me with her deer eyes. "Then teach me black magic, please, Miss Lina, please?"
I roll my eyes, but I know to have lost: "Well, let's start!"
She is surprised. I don't know if it's because I gave up or because I start immediately. I'm not sure it's a good idea, but she is a very powerful mage and I don't want her to remain chained by her limitations as Saylun princess. I continue to repeat myself that it's the only reason, but I am lying to myself.
When I met her, she was an intolerable, clumsy little child that wanted to become a justice paladin. In four years she has become a beautiful, intelligent, and brave girl, and I have fallen in love with her. I would become a chimera if it meant she'd watch me more than Zelgadis.
Amelia sit in front of me and I start to tell the differences between the various styles of magic; I think she knows that but she listens to me and doesn't interrupt me, patient at least.
I speak for two hours. I always loved speaking, but especially to her. When I've finished, she doesn't ask questions, simply gets up and says, "See you tomorrow Miss Lina."
"No, wait here." She stops, "Amelia, let's start the practice now. Do you prefer the curses or the attack spells?"
She smiles. "The attack spells, obviously." I smile as an answer.
The following hours are very hard for me, as we go to a vast plain near the town and I start to show some spells: I show her a spell, I explain the spell, and she casts the spell. I'm astonished; I had known Amelia was good at magic but this is incredible! Well, not really, when the teacher is me; I'm sure if I was patient, I could teach magic to Gourry. "Amelia, I'm tired. Let's relax a minute." By now it's sunset.
She looks me. "I'll go to get something to drink and to eat, wait a minute!" She flies to the town, and I ask to myself where she gets all the energy.
I must have fallen asleep because when I wake up there is a tablecloth on the ground with much food on it. Amelia, with bright voice, chirps, "I saw that you were sleeping and I thought to lay out the table."
I hug her, she is surprised but hugs me in return. I watch her; she is smiling, her eyes so full of love...I kiss her, her soft lips against mine. I deepen the kiss, and to my delight, she doesn't flee. When I stop, I'm shaken. "Amelia, I'm sorry, I..." My voice is low, and I don't think she hears my next words, "I love you."
She blushes; my face is the same colour as my hair. "Miss Lina, I thought you loved Mr Gourry."
I cling to her. "I know you love Zel, but, please, don't leave me alone, forgive me for today, please." This is the first time in my life that I plead, but this is Amelia and I'd die if she started to hate me.
She embraces me and with soothing voice: "I'm happy, I'm very happy about today. I love Zelgadis, but that's normal; he's my cousin. However, I'll explain about that matter soon. Now there are other things more important than that. The person that rules my dreams is you now. I love you, Lina."
Lina, not Miss Lina. She is not lying; she never decieves. She loves me. Please, don't wake me up if this is a dream. She doesn't love Zel but me. My heart beats faster. Her eyes are so full of light and love...for me! I feel happy finally. My life is complete.
In her eyes there is playful shining, "Lina, dare not to eat and I'll kill you!"
I facefault, then laugh. We start to eat, enjoying each other's company.
This is a magic night. It's only for her and me. "Please, stay with me this night! Let's take this night for only us, Amelia." She hugs me and we wait till dawn and the life that will come, together.