by Silvernyte, Werewolf of Insanity
The song is "Turkish Delight" by The 2nd Chapter of Acts. Song lyrics are in
Tell the Truth,
Oh Edmund,
Oh Edmund.
Please tell them,
Please do.
That I'm not lying,
Oh Edmund,
Please tell them the truth.
‘Oh Gods! Not HIM! Anyone but HIM!!’ Amelia thought to herself as
glanced sideways at the Trickster Priest feeling her heart beat as she
did so.
‘Gods, why did I have to fall in love with him! He stands against
everything I stand for!’ She hoped for the millionth time that everyone,
including HIM, thought she was truly besmitten with Zelgadis.
That you saw her,
Felt her.
Eased you mind and soul,
with pleasure.
You've found.
That she's robbed you of your life.
You've been taken,
Into her den of lies.
He saw her look at him and resolved to get some time alone with the
Princess soon. It wasn’t long when they reached a town and set about
to get supper. When they were on their 6th helping he got a chance
because Amelia slipped off looking somewhat glum. He dissappeard with
mischievious grin and appeard behind her.
* * * *
I gasped as he startled me, and I was frozen as he suddenly wrapped an
around my waist momentarily caressing my back. “I saw you looking at me
earlier,” he grinned. “Why was that?”
For a moment I was speechless, I knew her knew, but I couldn’t say it.
“Its… a … secret…” I finaly managed grimacing as I used his phrase.
Turkish delight,
What surprise.
Just by one bite,
I was utterly frozen with shock as he bent down and kissed me, only
though, then I kissed back.
Tell the truth,
Oh Edmund,
Oh Edmund.
Please tell them the truth.
Gods it felt good, it felt RIGHT… I could let my self get lost in
All too soon the kiss ended leaving me wanting another kiss… and maybe
More than just another kiss…
That you saw her,
Felt her.
Eased you mind and soul,
with pleasure.
You've found.
That she's robbed you of your life.
You've been taken,
Into her den of lies.
I felt myself let go, decide that I didn’t care what he was, and
Suddenly wrapped my arms around him reaching for his face giving
Him a kiss filled with need, with wanting, sighing menatly in content
As he started to return it. I called out his name as his kisses began
To fall lower…
Turkish delight,
What surprise.
Just by one bite,
Turkish delight,
What surprise.
Just by one bite,
As he kissed her he smiled, so she did want him, and it was about time,
Opposites do attract, you know… But now onto buisness…