It was a peaceful day for Philia, like every other day. But today, unlike every day, her best friends would be back to meet her. That was a ritual for them. Every five years Lina, Gourry, Amelia, Zelgadiss and (unfortunately) Xelloss travelled to her home and passed some time with her. This would be the fourth such visit.
Valgharv was with uncle Jiras. He was a brave young dragon and she was proud of him. She told him his story. Val was open-minded. When she had finished, Val asked her to call him Valgharv and to have a little time alone at Jiras' home. She'd agreed.
The doorbell rang. "I'm coming!" When she opened the door, she saw the people for whom she waited: "Lina, Zel, Gourry, Amelia, how are you?" Where is Xelloss, I'm worried… no, well, I'm happy he's not here. I hate that Mazoku. Where is he? "Please, come in," she requested with a cheerful smile. "Let me make some tea and biscuits for you." They complied.
Lina and Gourry's faces were merrier when they heard biscuits. The marks of the time didn't appear on their faces. They didn't know why. When they became adults they had stopped aging. They thought Xelloss knew the reason, but his answer at their questions was "Sore wa himitsu desu."
They spoke for a little about Lina and Gourry's children and Amelia and Zelgadis' son. Zel didn't find a cure and Amelia chose him over Saylun. She wasn't a princess anymore. But she was happy near the man she loved from her childhood. He loved her… too much, the others thought. "Sorry. Amelia and I, we wanted to see an ancient temple. It is a few weeks trip. If you'd like, you may come with us."
Lina smiled. "It seems like fun. Gourry and I will come."
Philia added, "Me too."
"Lina, we go there to find a cure not to have fun," Zel stated.
Amelia smiled and said soothingly, "Zel, calm down. Ee'll find a cure, but we can find amusement, too. Don't you think so?"
Zel smiled her and got up. "Let's go."
Lina, rage in her voice, cried, "I decide when we leave, not you… Let's go!"
The others facefaulted.
They left. The first week of travel was troubleless. Well, there were bandits, and some minor demons; however, they were not problem for the great mage Lina and her friends.
Philia was quieter than usual, almost glum. She asked why that disgusting Mazoku hadn't arrived yet. I'm not worried about him, I want only know where he is and why is not here… Philia cried almost every night, yet she didn't remember her tears in the morning. Lina asked her once the cause. "I don't cry. Why would I cry? I'm with my best friends. X…Xelloss is not here. I'm happy"… Philia insisted, then laughed. Why is my laugh so unhappy? Lina turned pale and decided that was time to go away.
Amelia decided to speak with Philia in a night full of stars. Philia asked her, smiling, "What do you want?"
Amelia sadly replied, "It's not a good idea, do you know that?"
"What? I don't understand what you mean."
"When the battle against Darkstar was over, I came back to Saylun with Zel. I love him and he understood that he loved me. The people saw only a monster, a demon. My father told me I was obligated to abandon him. Zel decided to go away. A morning I got up and he wasn't in the palace anymore. I took my things and I went away forever. I looked for him and when I found him, he scolded me. I'm not a princess anymore, I told him. I'm only yours. He smiled. Now we are together, and we have a handsome boy. We can't see him officially; he's the heir to the throne of Saylun. He knows about us,and that's the most important thing. We love him."
Philia cried for the brave woman near her. "It's so sad. Why did you decide that your parents raise the child?"
Amelia smiled. "Sorry, I don't want to upset you. We prefer our son to grow in a beautiful palace. He'd be raised under the stars with us. I thought to say you that if you love a person…" she observed her, put a finger on her mouth "…if you love Xelloss, you must tell him. No, don't say it's not true. You'd lie. It's possible that he makes fun of you. I'm afraid it's probable. But if my opinion count something I think he loves you. Well, we go to sleep." Amelia got up when a thunder enlightened the sky as the day.
Lina yelled, "IT SEEMS A SPELL EFFECT. LET'S GO TO CONTROL." The others flew towards the thunder. They stop behind a rock, astonished. The fire dragon king and Xelloss were fighting. Xelloss was losing. They were both injured, but Xelloss was in the worse conditions. Philia smothered an anguished cry.
Lina said. "Well, we'll go back to the camp."
Gourry, clever as always, said, "Huh?"
Zel nodded. "I think so, too"
"Why, we must help him against my dragon king; he's only a mazoku," Philia insisted. She didn't watch Amelia
Amelia's response was: "…"
They stopped to see the battle.
The dragon king told Xelloss, "I'll kill you, dragons' slayer!"
Xelloss smiled. "Oh, calm down. It's not necessary to rage so. You'll make yourself ill."
The king dragon growled and attacked, seriously wounding the mazoku. Xel fell to ground and got up smiling. "Another dragon that takes everything personally. It's a habitude I start to think…" I'm sorry boss, I'm afraid that I can't survive this time. Lina, Amelia, Gourry, Zel… Philia, I can't say you good-bye. I'm sorry. Xelloss prepared himself to die.
Lina considered their options. "If we do help him, someone will be have to divert the king dragon from him but we won't help him."
Zel raised his eyes to the sky.
Philia said, with what she hoped was a cold tone, "If we do help him, I must take him and go away, but we won't help him.
Gourry nodded once. "Well, let's go!"
Gourry rubbed his head. "Not really, Lina. He's our friend. Why don't we help him?" Lina observed her mate. For the first time, Gourry was right
Amelia spoke up. "I've an idea for a diversion."
Lina smiled. "LET'S GO!"
The dragon king started the last attack when a female voice echoed, "Stop now, evil force, or the power of justice will fall on you."
The dragon king sweatdroped, turning around to a young woman. "WHAT?"
Xelloss thought Amelia. He noticed a known perfume near him and turned. Philia. She signed silence with a hand and helped him to leave.
"You are making a mistake, young lady. I'm one of dragon kings of Ceiphied. The person that you protect is a powerful, lethal Mazoku. I must destroy him, now."
"You lie, he's good, he helped us against Gharv and Darkstar. You can't trick me."
The dragon king decided to ignore that noisy girl and turned to Xelloss. The Mazoku had disappeared. The dragon king understood now, a diversion, but the girl had disappeared too. Near him, there was only silence. They have hidden with a powerful spell. I must find them before he heals. I'm not sure that next time will be so simple. He flew towards east. Not very distant at west, a group of people laughed.
"I almost fainted when I listened you speaking about justice against a King dragon. Good job Amelia!" Lina smiled.
Xelloss, with his cheerful smile, said, "Philia, Amelia thank you very much."
Philia replied, "If the dragons discover that, my honour is ruined. I didn't move to help you but…" Xelloss opened his eyes and she interrupted His eyes, he's survived, he's really survived. "I love you, I'm a silly dragon, but I love you." She hugged him, and he returned the hug, smiling.
Zel interuptted. "Sorry, it's better if we depart from here. If the dragon understands that the mental suggest that Lina and I put in his mind is wrong, he will come to search for us. I'm really tired and we could find a good place where to sleep.
Xelloss looked pensive. "I understand Philia helped me because she loves me. Why did you help me?"
All: "Sore wa himitsu desu!"
Xelloss sweatdroped, then laughed.