The Sacrafice
by Mystix The Ellimist

The lyrics are from "I Can Love You Like That," by All-4-One. Song lyrics are in grey.

Get ready Cinderella
Your hopin' will come true
And one day your prince charming
will come rescue you

Filia sighed, wondering how she could feel so strongly about one of. . .one of. . .THEM. But still, she believed, maybe one day, he would be free and she could be truly happy

You like romantic movies
And you never will forget
The way you flipped when Romeo kissed Juliet

She looked at Gourry and Lina. THEY finally realized how they feel about each other. She was happy for them, but she wished it were her and HIM.

And all this time that you've been waiting
You don't have to wait no more

Xelloss appeared beside her, and placed a soft hand on her shoulder. He whispered softly in her ear, "Lizard lips, I have a confession to make."

I can love you like that
I would make you my world
Move heaven and Earth
If you were my girl

"I-I love you. Be mine, Filia, I know your emotions, and they are like my own, why don't we just shun our respective bosses and be together. I love you so much I would die if you didn't like me."

I would give you my heart
Be all that you that you need
Show you your everything
That's precious to me

"I'll do anything, ANYTHING, Filia, just tell me how to let you be mine."

If you give me a chance
I could love you like that

"Just let me try. Tell me, love."

I never make a promise
I don't intend to keep
So when I say forever
Forever's what I mean

She looked at the priest, "I feel strongly about you, too, but how can I trust you, you are a Mazoku, and my enemy since the beginning of time"

Well I'm no Casanova
but I swear this much is true
I'll be holdin' nothing back
When it comes to you

"I may be your enemy, but you're still my love. And if anything should happen where I must choose between you and Zeluss, it will be YOU every time"

You dream of love that's everlasting
Well baby open up your eyes

He stared at her with open eyes, and Filia could see them, violet as the summer flower. A tear, an actual, HUMAN, tear, slide from his perfectly formed eye down his unblemished skin. And there was something there, something she'd never seen before. Xelloss' smile was gone, and there was a look in his eyes, a look of -Could it be?- love.

I can love you like that
I would make you my world
Move heaven and Earth
If you were my girl
I will give you my heart
Be all that you need
Show you your everything
that's precious to me

He kissed her, an erotic and unsatiable feeling filled her. They were no longer Mazoku and Dragon, but an entity of pure emotion, love and hate intermingled into a great, growing passion. But no, it could not be. Filia's mouth burned as the Mazoku's tongue touched hers, burning like the fire in the Dark Lord's eyes. She pulled away, weeping. Why couldn't they be together? WHY!

If you want tenderness
I got tenderness
And I see through
To the heart of me

Xelloss caressed her cheek, and genuine concern showed on his face. He quirked his head, questioning. A heart-wrenching sob escaped her throat, "I cannot live without you. But to be with you, as you are, is to die!"

If you want a man
Who will understand
You don't have to look very far

Xelloss felt as though his heart had been ripped out and torn apart before his eyes. He knew what he had to do, it wouldn't be easy, but it was the only way, "There is one option."

I can love you girl
I can love you like that
I would make you my world
Move heaven and Earth
If you were my girl
I will give you my heart
Be all that you need
Show you your everything
That's precious to me

Xel closed his eyes, and retreated deep into himself, searching. He found the blackness in his soul, completely merged with his being. And, by pure will and love alone, cast it away. He was no longer a trickster priest, no longer a Mazoku. He was as he was thousands upon thousands of years before. He was human. He opened his now grey/green eyes, and looked with new light on the dragon. He kissed her again, and now it was long, and complete. She looked up at him, and smiled, great determination in her eyes.

"My turn."