She watched him from across the table as they all settled in for dinner. He was so quiet an shy at times you almost wouldn't know he was there, almost. She loved the way he blushed at the slightest provocation and how posed an intelligent he was. Just being near him made her feel special inside.
For the longest time she had loved Gourry from afar but had given up hope of ever capturing his heart when she realized the swordsman only held feelings of friendship for her. She had grieved silently at her loss for so long that she thought she could never care for anyone that way again, until her eyes fell upon Him. They had been traveling companions for some time and she had never thought of him as anything more then a friend, until one day she looked at him through new eyes an saw so much more.
Now, she wished more then anything to be with him, to sooth his pain and take away all the hurt an anguish that had consumed him for so many years. "If only," she sighed inwardly as her mind filled with images of happily ever after.
"Are you all right," Amelia asked between bits of food.
"Oh yes, I'm fine Amelia," she managed with a weak smile, but felt that the only thing that would truly make her feel better was to be in his arms. All she wanted was to make him happy; see him crack on of his rare wondrous smiles. It wounded her deeply to see him always apart from everyone an depressed.
After dinner she left the Inn to get some night air and sort out her feelings. Every moment that she was with him she felt her heart would burst with the desire to tell him her feeling. "How I wish I could tell you how I feel," she whispered into the evening breeze. She felt her throat tighten as sobs of heartache threatened to ravage her body an sat down under a large oak with long, leaf laden branches that swayed gently in the night air.
Her tears fell silently, one after the other in an endless river, staining her cheeks. She was so afraid to tell him how she felt and equally afraid that she would lose him before she ever found the courage to reveal her feelings.
Courage. That one little word cared so much weight. She had found enough of it to accomplish a great deal. If only she had the courage to tell Gourry her feelings when she first realized them. "If only I had some of that courage now," she thought sadly.
She heard footsteps coming closer and through blurry eyes saw the object of her affection approaching. He sat down beside her, studying her quietly.
"What is it, what's wrong Sylphiel," he asked in that soft, low voice that always made her feel so warm and happy inside.
"Nothing, I–I was just thinking about my father," she said in a small voice. "If only he were here," she thought knowing she'd have someone to confide in, who would understand and offer her hope and sound advice.
"You've been like this for quite some time. I think it's more then that." He remained still next to her starring up into the starry skies patiently waiting for her response.
"You could tell him now," a little voice called in the back of her mind. "But what if he . ." "No what ifs, " the little voice chided, "You won't know until you at least try."
Sylphiel looked at him out of the corner of her eye an smiled. The way the moonlight reflected off his skin gave him an almost luminous quality that made him look even more beautiful to her. "This is the perfect time," she thought with certainty an touched his hand to get his attention.
Before he could move or utter another word Sylphiel leaned forward and gently touched his cheek then leaned in further and kissed him. She moved her arms around him to hold him closer as she deepened the kiss. Seconds seemed like hours as she savored the feel of his lips against hers.
"Zelgadis, I love you," she whispered against his lips as she broke their kiss. She hugged him tightly fearing that this was the only moment she would ever have in his arms. "I don't know what else to say," she murmured into his shoulder, "Just that I care for you very much and I . ." A sob escaped her lips and she clung to him even tighter hoping that his nearness would calm her.
Zelgadis wrapped his arms around her hesitantly, stroking her hair lightly in an effort to comfort her. Ever since he'd first laid eyes on her he thought of her as a woman of beauty and compassion. He cursed himself a thousand times over at his insensitive remarks after her father's death an promised himself from that moment on to be kind to her.
Everyone knew about her feelings for Gourry except the man himself. Her withdrawal was thought to be because of the realization that Gourry didn't return her feelings. Seeing that sadness dim her bright eyes had effected him deeply, more so then he initially thought. She was a gentle person who cared greatly about people, who he now knew cared greatly about him.
Sylphiel loosened her hold on him an pulled back to face him directly. He wiped away the wayward strains of hair on her face and the tears from her cheeks.
"Why didn't you say something sooner," he asked softly.
"I was afraid that you wouldn't feel the same. Your cure is so important to you and I didn't want you to think I was standing in your way. Could you care about me too?"
A gentle smile and a soft caress on her cheek were his answer. "I love you too Sylphiel," he whispered, realizing that this was what his heart had been trying to tell him for so long. He kissed her gently then moved to embrace her fully.
"Oh Zelgadis," she smiled and nestled her head in chest and sighed. "I'm
so happy."
As the new couple sat in each other's arms under the starlight two figures in the distance regarded them silently.
"Well what a cozy little picture they make."
It's about time, she's been mooning over him for only L-sama knows how long," Lina cried. Her expression softened a little, "But Zel looks happier then I've ever seen him."
"Amelia's going to be heart broken when she finds out that they're a couple now, but I can fix that."
Xellos looked at her an smiled through closed eyes. "Sore wa himitsu desu," he said waging a finger.