<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8">
<style rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> body { font-family: ... </style>
maybe better - just
<style type="text/css">
The above should reenforce what you have already covered. This lesson will use a page that is 'narrative' of its own construction. This will help you decide which direction you would like the 'lesson plan' to point. You have covered a broad range of things thus far. There is a lot more to say about list and tables. We have just begun to cover images and not yet covered audio or video. You should be ready to tackle stylesheets full blast and take a peek at JavaScript, and we haven't yet covered 'frames'. We can talk about web sites that help kids build websites, web sites that help adult build web sites for kids, HTML that helps students, or HTML that helps small business owners. The chore of revamping web sites in older HTML versions should be in the venue as well. Let's narrate. What have we set up so far?
(class=lesson) ,,. this paragraph,
As just described, we have an H1 header, an H2 header, an H5 header, a Pre-text block, followed
by two paragraphs each with new style rules applied (class=show) (class=intro), the unordered List in blue
then a second H5 header followed by this paragraph in black that is again different from the other paragraph in black by virtue of a different margin rule [p.lesson{ }].
For the next few 'block items' i.e. <p> tags, I will indicate the class rule controlling that/this ELEMENT/OBJECT by prefacing it with a label in parenthesis.
So now using 'pre' tags this page's style is depicted in brown.
Do not overlook the body style rule. This sets a default ( or should we say 'changes the default ) for general text font face and color when not otherwise specified.
You should learn to do all, or most, of the things you did in the HTML <body> TAG
in the body rule listed in the style list between the < style > TAGS instead,
except the background image. Continue to use an attribute in a tag for that.
<style type="text/css"> body { font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; color: purple; background-color: #ddddee } h1, h2, h4 { color: black; text-align: center } h5 { font-family: Helvetica, Geneva, Arial, SunSans-Regular, sans-serif; color: #336600; margin-left: 5em; margin-right: 5.5em; padding-left: 6.5em; background-color: #ffcc66 } pre { margin-left: 11.75em; font-family: monospace; color: brown } new stylesheet rule - p.show { font-weight: bold } new stylesheet rule - p.intro { font-size: 14pt; margin-left: 8em; margin-right: 8em; text-align: left; color: #334455 } p.lesson { font-size: 14pt; margin-left: 5em; margin-right: 5em; text-align: left; color: #334455 } new stylesheet rule - pre span { margin-left: -11.25em; color: green } ... </style> <base href="http://www.w3schools.com/tags/>
Notice the negative value, there is a hereditary principle employed between
ELEMENTs with a parent and child relationship. To make the green text set with
the 'span' tag swing to the far left you must reference the fore set margin
of the 'parent' ELEMENT.
pre { margin-left: 11.75em }
pre span { margin-left: -11.25em }
Do you notice that Times New Roman is wrapped in quotes? This is only needed if the font face name is more than one word, otherwise separating the font face names by commas is fine.
body { font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif }
h5 { font-family: Helvetica, Geneva, Arial, SunSans-Regular, sans-serif }
Take note of the orange bar which is the 'H5' ELEMENT and has been assigned with values for background color, margin and padding.
h5 { margin-left: 5em; margin-right: 5.5em; padding-left: 6.5em; background-color: #ffcc66 }
One of the important uses of the 'base' tag fits in with what was showcased before in lesson 1.4 that the 'href' values for the URL's in the 'anchor' tag can be shortened. If a URL is made reference in the base tag any 'anchor' tags with abbreviated 'href' values will fill on the value in the 'base' tag. Using this can be a great time saver and we will have more to say about the 'base' tag.
<base href="http://www.w3schools.com/tags/" target="_blank">
The 'link' tag can be use to set many external references for the page haul in for it self. Yes that is a good way the phrase it 'Haul In' as one tag can do more than one thing and more than one 'link' tag can be used. For your purposes now, know that your StyleSheet can be 'external' and sit in a file that can be used by many HTML pages. Changing something in the .css file you store on your server can change all published pages that reference that StyleSheet.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyle.css">
JavaScript code can reside in the head section and operate on the loading of the page, be 'Hauled In' with the 'link' tag, or JavaScript can be set in-line in the body section. There are more types of 'script' than JavaScript but for now we can prepare to use JavaScript by helping you understand the DOM ( Document Object Model ).
<script> </script>
You have seen this code in 'meta' tags and I think you know what to do with these.
name="author" content=
name="description" content=
name="keywords" content=
You also have seen the 'meta' tag employed to have the browser render the text to a Character Set and you know about the HTML 5 shorthand used with an allowed new attribute.
<meta charset="UTF-8">
The http-equiv attribute is a special fish I think we should get at later, but for now please remember that when it is used the attributes 'http-equiv="- - -" ' and 'content="- - -" ' must come in pairs as below.
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="30">
Attribute | Value | Description |
charset New | character_set | Specifies the character encoding for the HTML document |
content | text | Gives the value associated with the http-equiv or name attribute |
http-equiv | content-type default-style refresh |
Provides an HTTP header for the information/value of the content attribute |
name | application-name author description generator keywords |
Specifies a name for the metadata |
scheme | format/URI | Not supported in HTML5. Specifies a scheme to be used to interpret the value of the content attribute |
the meta tag also supports HTML Global Attributes <- -- Give a visit to W3 Schools ;-) |
Update your template <!DOCTYPE html> for html 5 |
<style type="text/css"> |
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Lesson 3</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="- -" content="- -"> <meta http-equiv="- -" content="- -"> <base href="http://www.w3schools.com/" target="_blank"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="*"> <style rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">CSS</style> <script>JavaScript</script> </head> List of style rules used on this page and
List of style rules to demostrate much
Move your cursor to the left, over the words ' 'style' ' to see the effect.
Note: the "hand" cursor icon is not supported by Firefox, and will instead appear as the default "text" cursor icon.
Note: In Firefox, the "no-drop" cursor icon will appear as a "not-allowed" cursor icon.
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