Berlin Airlift

Control tower operators at
Rhein/Main Air Force Base, Frankfurt, Germany Keep in
constant check with incoming and departing planes, regulating their landing and take-off
and radioing precise
instructions which keep the
immense air traffic of the base
operating methodically in
spite of the brief
four-minute intervals which
separate moving planes of
the Berlin airlift.

Record Group 342 -G 25-5256

Rhein/Main Air Force Base,
Frankfurt Germany - Pilots crowd around their operations officer to find which plane they are
to take up and when it is scheduled to depart. Airlift flights depart like clockwork and only maintenance difficulties are permitted to hold up a take off. Pilots on "alert" are
always immediately available so that when a plane just back from Berlin has been once again loaded with coal and serviced, it can taxi out to the runway ready for instant take off with another 10 tons
to the blockaded city.

Record Group 342 -G 25-5499

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