Berlin Airlift

Berlin, Germany--Miniature parachutes can be seen
drooping from Lt. Gail
Halvorsen's C-54 as he brings the plane in for a landing at
Templehof Air Force Base
on a "Vittles"
flight from Frankfurt. Lt.
Halvorsen has been dropping
the parachutes with candy and gum attached on every
flight into Berlin. He has
dubbed his project
"Operation Little Vittles".

Record Group 342 -G 24-67935 AC

A small group typical of the
hundreds of young and old Berliners who gathered around Tempelhof Air Force Base to watch
C-54s and C-47s
of Operation - Vittles. Groups such as these are the
benefactors of "Operation
Little Vittles" initiated by
1st Lt. Gail S. Halvorsen, of
Stockton, California in which he drops candy tied to
handkerchief parachutes.

Record Group 342 -G 25-68071 AC

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