The Kerby/Lovell Geneology Pages

I've recently updated my GEDCOM files!  To see them listed by surnames, click here.  For a listing by individual names, click here.  Also I have two versions of How The Seiglers Came To Texas.

If you think we might have some relatives in common or if I can help you in your search please let me know.  My e-mail address is

Names and Places I'm Researching

To simplify things I've divided my surnames according to which side of the family they're on.  First is Bill's side (the Kerbys and related families) then my side (the Lovells and related families).

Kerbys And Related Families

 Burkett - South Carolina.
 Kerby (Kirby) - Texas.
 McIntosh - Maine.
 Moak - South Carolina.
 Rollins - Texas.
 Seigler (Zeigler, Zigler) - Germany, South Carolina, Texas.
 Wark - Maine.
 Woody - Texas

Lovells And Related Families

 Armstrong - Missouri, Oklahoma.
 Hancock - Massachusetts, North Carolina, Oklahoma.
 Harris - Missouri.
 Huntleman (Huntelmann) - Germany, Oklahoma.
 Lovell - Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma

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