July 18th, 37 weeks

June 18th...lookin' big!!!

April 7th...My face looks SO round!

March 19th...Dalton kissing mommy's belly.

March 14th, 2000~~It's a Girl!!!

February 7th, 2000

August 3rd, 2000... Had my doctor's appointment today. Just realized that I haven't updated this in a few weeks. About three weeks ago I started retaining water on my right side. My right ankle is pretty much swollen all the time. It hurts to walk with or without shoes on. Doctor has been unconcerned for the most part. At my appointment today my blood pressure was up higher than normal. It was 130/93. The nurse had me lay down and checked it again. It went down to 130/83. I have a trace of protein in my uring which is ok but I've not had any until now. Swelling isn't going down at all...even over night. I'm not sleeping much at night. I get about 3-4 hours a night. It's not because I'm uncomfortable or in pain or anything. I JUST CAN'T SLEEP! Doctor said that with my BP getting higher and with my due date basically here we can justify induction at this point. SOOO....if I don't go into labor on my own this weekend, we're scheduled to be induced on Monday morning. I've been 'ready' for a long time but now that it's more realistic, I'm scared! I am mostly worried about how Dalton is going to do. I'm very bummed because Monday his school starts the 'get to know the school' stuff. He has school for a few hours each day and I don't even get to be the one to take him! He's been going through a lot lately I think with all the changes around here and isn't dealing too well with it all. Hopefully once everything settles down he will do better. Poor little guy. Other than that, I am really just concerned about how labor and delivery will go. I'm sure everything is fine with Carly but since I've been through this all before, I'm scared of the pain and all that. Well, my next 'post' will be on Carly's new page. I will put a link to that on this page and on the front page of our Family Webpage.

July 13th, 2000...
Dr. appointment today went well. Didn't gain any weight (yeah!), blood pressure was good, blood sugars are staying low and GBS came back negative! I'm still just dilated a fingertip but my cervix is softening up. The nurse said that I'll at least make it through dr.'s vacation next week. I asked how far past due dates he lets women go and she said that he doesn't like to let them go more than 41 weeks so I know that I'll at least have her by August 12th. (seems like a loooong way away!) I'm having lots and lots of Braxton-Hicks contractions...seem to be nearly constant. OH! And Carly was a lot lower this week and she is definitely head down at this point!

July 8th, 2000... No updated picture yet this month...which is fine with me. Doctor's appointment was a few days ago and I haven't gained any more weight (total gain is at 15 pounds) and my blood pressure was great at 130-80. I've not really started to dilate yet, just about a fingertip and the nurse THINKS that she is head down but it was hard to tell because baby is still way up high. (I can tell she's crowding my lungs since I can barely breath at times!) My appointments are weekly now. Only 4 more weeks till my due date!

June 18th, 2000...
Well, I'm adding an updated picture of me. I'm looking mighty huge, huh? Dalton is dancing in the picture. Such a ham! Things seem to be fine although today I noticed a significant change in the amount of movement. I normally can feel her pretty much all day, every day, and today she hardly moved at all. I called L & D tonight and will call my doctor tomorrow morning if the movements don't pick up and see what they say. You would think I'd never been through this before! I'm sure everything is fine but I still worry. Just 7 more weeks till D DAY!

June 2nd, 2000...
Doctor's appointment yesterday...I didn't gain any weight this month. Doc said that it's probably because of I'm watching my diet better. They weren't concerned and neither am I. I know I'm eating well so I know the baby is getting what she needs! So weight gain is 14 pounds total so far. I'm measuring right on for how far a long I am. Heartbeat was 147 and sounded great! He found the heartbeat pretty low so he thinks she may be heading down 'into position'. I have to go back in for a 2-hour test on Monday to see what my glucose levels are doing. Hopefully all will be fine. We've bought soooo many clothes! It's been a lot of fun!

May 15th, 2000...
Well, I had my GTT last week and the numbers came back somewhat high. I went back in yesterday for my fasting 3-hour test. The nurse called today and the results were abnormal again. I will have an appointment with the dietician soon and will find out my new diet. I'm not looking forward to this at all. I'm not one that will have an easy time on a restricted diet but will do what I have to do for the baby. Of course I'm also worried about how things will go. Just one more thing to worry about I guess.

April 28th, 2000...
This past week I've felt soooo much more movement from our little girl than I have before. It's more than just the little kicks here and there. Now I'm feeling her whole body moving. It's incredible! This morning I was snuggled up against Bobby in bed and she walloped him in the back! I rented a doppler called Baby Beat. It's the same quality that the doctors use and I've been able to listen to her strong little heartbeat anytime I want. I'm hoping to make a .wav file of it and put it on here.

April 7th, 2000...
Doctor's appointment today. My blood pressure was lower than normal (106/84) but the nurse said it was still fine. Baby's heartbeat was nice and strong at 149bpm. I'm measuring right on for 22-23 weeks. All looks wonderful so at this point I can't talk him into another ultrasound (unfortunately).

March 24th, 2000...
I have a Bebe' Sounds (an inexpensive thing that helps you hear the baby's heartbeat) and last night we found the heartbeat! It was so cool to be able to hear it from right here at home!

March 19th, 2000...
Halfway there! 20 weeks yesterday!!!
Today I went shopping with my mom and Dalton for some baby girl stuff. How fun! Dalton was less than enthused but I'm hoping he'll get over it. He knows that the baby will be named Carly Jordan and sometimes talks about her but not too much. Carly is moving around quite a bit...some days more than others. I'm having Braxton-Hicks contractions already. I asked the dr. at my last appointment and he confirmed that.

March 14th, 2000...
Today was our ultrasound. Dalton had made it clear that he didn't want to go with us. The whole hospital thing makes him nervous anyway. Bobby and I drove the hour long trip down to St. Vincent Hospital in Portland (seemed like a loooong drive!) to the Peri Clinic where we were to have the Level II ultrasound and Genetic Counseling. We told the u/s tech right from the beginning that if she got any chance to see the sex that we definitely wanted to know. The baby was laying on its tummy at the beginning of the ultrasound with the little butt up in the air. Right away we both though she/he looked just like Dalton and how he used to sleep when he was a baby. It took a few minutes to get the the baby to start moving around but when it did, the tech said, "IT'S A GIRL!!". I just started to cry! I was so happy! It was much easier to 'see' what sex Dalton was during the ultrasounds with him so we both asked the tech how she could tell. She stopped the pictures for a second and asked if we could see the three lines she was pointing at. "That definitely female genitalia!" We finished the appointment and drove to the Olive Garden to eat and then I HAD to go shopping. I went and got some cute pink clothes!

February 26th, 2000...
Bobby and I were laying in bed and he had his hand on my tummy and felt the baby moving. I was surprised that he could feel it already but I felt the movement inside so I know it's moving in there!

December 24th/25th, 2000...
We told my family on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day that "Dalton is going to be a big brother." Everyone is happy! Casey and Cory are thrilled. Casey wants it to be a girl and Cory wants a boy. Go figure! Dalton's really not sure about the whole thing yet.
I've been feeling ok but I definitely feel more morning sickness than I remember feeling with Dalton. Maybe I'm not remembering accurately but I sure seem sick more often.

December 7th, 1999...
Well, I'm now 10 days late and presumably pregnant. So...I took a pregnancy test this morning and left it in the bathroom. Bobby saw it when he got out of the shower and was somewhat surprised. He asked me if I'd see the result. Of course I had! Then he said, "Ummm...aren't we supposed to try to wait 3 months after you go off the pill?" Well, maybe ideally, but it's too late now, huh? *S* It did happen much quicker than either of us had thought it would but that's just fine. I figure my due date to be August 5th, 2000.

October 1st, 1999...
Today I stopped taking the pill. We've talked quite a bit about having another baby and I think we're both ready. We're both scared to go through again what we went through with Dalton. We would both hate for another child to go through with he went through.