Message to the revolutionaries.

Camilo Torres

To have conscience of the fact that in Colombia the majorities can not be fed, neither get dressed, nor to be quartered. This obeys to the fact that those who have the power constitute an economic minority that masters the political power, the cultural power, the military and , unfortunately, also the ecclesiastic power.

It's fight against the oppressive structures.

It's to achieve the education for the children and access to culture for the economically unable.

It's not to compromise with the misery.

It's recognize in every men, any right that corresponds to him.

It's not to sponsor the crime.

It's to defend every citizen of abuses and the injustice, without distinguish creed or opinion.

It's to promote the union of all infrastructure sectors.

It's not let break that union by the exploitative ones.

It's to reject very unjust and repression tyranny.

It's to fight for human's integral increase.

It's to be deeply committed, based on the injustice.

It's to substitute the inoperable associated bodies, by effective popular organizations in sight to the wealth of the community.

It'is to support those who fight righteously in favor of the people.

It's not be sold in exchange for remunerations, rewards, promises and prebends.

It's to fulfil the received order.

It's to reject any imperialism and any type of colonialism.

It's to fight for an effective social justice.

It's to accomplish an authentic democracy not mastered by pressure groups, defined these as the minority set of individuals that have all the influences for the decisions of power.

It's to fight against the hunger. It hasn't nothing to do with, discuss if the soul is mortal or inmortal. The only thing we know is that hunger is really mortal.

I was thinking, with Josué of Castro, that "we live an antagonistic worlds juxtaposition: one, where the peoples live seventy years average ; and other, where people live thirty and five years".

The Earth is divided mainly in two large groups: that of those who don't eat and that of those who eat and don't sleep, timorous of the revolt of the hungrys.

Each day of each week, ten thousand persons die of hunger in Earthd: more than in every other period of History.

Only in India, in the ten coming years, fifty million of children will die of hunger.

More than one thousand five hundred million of human beings live, at this time, with hunger in the abdomen, hunger in the heart, hunger in the brain.

According to FAO reports, half of the world's population suffers hunger or is malnutritioned.

The Earth is inhabited by three billion of persons. Within seventeen years we will be four billion. Within thirty and seven years, six billion.

At each tic-tac of the Nourishment Congress clock pendulum room, there are three mouths more.

C.N.P. Repórter, Revista del Colegio Nacional de Periodistas, núm. 2, (Magazine of the National Journalists Association) May-June, 1964, pp. 13-9


Most recent revision: March 27th, 2002