Keep Updated on The Third Temple Situation
*9/2000 New Update links* at the Bottom of this Page
Malakyah (Malachi) 3:1-2
1 Behold, I will send My Messenger, and he will prepare the way before Me. Then suddenly He will come to His TEMPLE, the Ruler Whom you are seeking: the Messenger of the Covenant, in Whom you delight. Behold, He comes! says Yahweh of hosts.
2 But who may endure the day of His coming? And who will stand when He appears?...
Temple Mount Faithful Org
Subscribe to a discussion List on the subject of Building the Mikdash
The Hope Third temple Page
HaTenu'ah LeChinun HaMikdash
Temple Institute
commited to researching and teaching about the services and structure of the Holy Temple.
Rabbi Yisrael Ariel's Article on Building the temple Is this Ariel one of the Legion of Seven?
Archeology, Temple Prep & Heifer Sites
Vendyl Jones Archeology, Heifer, Vessel Search, and B'nai Noach link
Michael Sanders Mystery of the Bible PageSearch for the Ark of the Covenant,
Michael Sanders claims that the Ark might be buried under an Egyptian Temple in the Judean Hills. Follow his plans for an expedition to the site which he located by new satellite images and studying ancient documents.
The Temple Mount In Jerusalem
Virtual Beis Hamikdash
Red Heifer PagePictures and articles on the Red Heifer
Heifer Facts Leading to the Revealed Messiah:
I always knew I had a special destiny and special talent for real insight & knowledge, yet never knew what that would lead to.
Especially not this, since the veil even kept me far from knowing myself. When I began to figure out what was happening and what I was fulfilling , what I was seeing and who I was, I simply asked for a sign. The very next day Melody the Red Heifer was anounced and I knew exactly what this sign really deeply conveyed, which was something never discussed-(Of course there's more justification then this mere sign).
I never knew this sign to be written in Prophecy until later when I read this verse on a Moshiach web site, it read:
"It is written that it is the 10th heifer that the Messiah will have a sign over, and here we have the 10th heifer named Melody."
Here is something that I knew was my sign, yet it was not known as such prior to the sign, which means it wasn't placed or self fulfilled.
Ah there's more to this Heifer Story, like what it symbolizes and represents, when was it to be used and if it coincides with the other revelations of the appearance and coming forth of Messiah?
I can only answer a few of these public and the rest to council, because I need to show them who I am with these trump cards I hold.
All I can say is the Rebbes were expecting this revelation in 1998 the Jubilee Year, as the coming forth of the Messiah.
The Heifer is perfectly in line with that;
It's coded in the Bible Verses "melody the red heifer" appears in Psalm 93-"96",
It was even born around- Sept-Oct 96, same as the verse,
& it takes 2 years for it to be ready, which would have made the Hefer ready by Sept-Oct98.
This page agrees with my Sept. preparation assesment,
however, the Temple was not ready by the date it was supposed to be used, in the Yom Kippur Atonement which fell on Sept29th-30th 1998, not by chance on Michaelemas (celebration of Archangel Michael).
It's all backed in prophecy only "THE ONE" it refers could possibly find:
IIQ13 “Heavenly Prince Melchizedek Scroll” (which is similar to Leviticus)
Talks about the “great act of deliverence” at the end of the Jubilee during the day of atonement (Yom Kippur), the Prince Messiah (Archangel Michael) is to proclaim liberty, forgiving us, and starting the judgment.
Since this date has passed there is likely gonna be an increase in natural judgment, which we have seen reak havoc since that date, and will continue till fate and faith is restored &
people recognize what needs to be done without pride or predjudice.
I probably shared more then I should, so the rest will be revealed at the council appointment to anoint me.
Update: 6/22/99; It was confirmed in May by many Rabbi's that the water is definitely flowing from under the holy rocks on the Temple Mount.
This special news is important in many ways.
People have anticipated this event from scripture passages
(Ezekiel 47:1-4)with great anticipation, because this was one of the signs of the last days, the redemption, & that the Third Temple would soon be built signaling Moshiach was amongst us. Most Importantly and least realized, is it forces the Vatican's hand to produce Jesus or admit it had promoted an image of a man made icon deception all these ages. Finally we have come to the point in history where they are forced to put up or shut up. Now is the time we truly become liberated. Now, is the start of this major
redemptional process of Israel, & this event
will show everyone in the world who has kept his promises alive and who has been trying to thwart it all along.
The MIKdaSH will bring;
Fulfillment of the promise.
An outlet to reach and teach.
Removes the Vatican (Beast) & Pope’s authority once and for all.**
It will help purify the nations.
An office of mediation.
Some clout and reverence to the workers of the heavenly design.
Establishment and authority while drawing the eyes and ears of the world to G-d’s will to be done.
**Good News Update 9/2000**
Through my organizing and gathering a shared list of Temple orgs (over 2 years ago) & with help through concerned friends who offered to get involved, this consistancy and coaxing for a call to unite and gather the temple Orgs has finally paid off.
An umbrella organization called
The United Association of Movements For the Holy Temple has been formed to unify the efforts of various organizations working on behalf of increasing Holy Temple awareness among Jews in Israel and worldwide as well as Organizations trying to bring the buidling of the temple to fruition.
Candidates for the Legion of Melchizedek
Note: this has nothing to do with the Kohanim
(Temple Priests) which is a seperate council seperate function within the Mikdash.
Other "SERIOUS" accomplished candidates, who seriously reflect the essence of Life and what will be should please write us.
Orgs holding files to such candidates for the Legion of Seven who will have under them their own legion of seven also should contact:
E-Mail Michael HaShev Ben ChaimImportant: don't forget to remove the words ‘removespam’ in the e-mail address before sending
Remember who creates the Legion (scrolls 4Q255 III &
The Prophet Haggai 2:6-7) AS
“He shall perform the will of God in all his deeds” Community rule VIII
And that:
This is for all cultures and Nations...
(56:3-7): "for My House shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations"
But under who's authority shall they gather?Lesson of the Tower of Babel
Changing of the GuardsMore Biblical Proof of the Changing Authority
Informative Site called : Introduction to the Temple
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