Yeah so this is my freaky little sis. She's 
been giving me hell for a long time about
not being on the page....crappy a page though
it is. So here she is. My parents blame it on
me. Probably with a little bit of reason, I 
was never as goth as she is though. More punk
than anything. Blue hair and all. 

Apparently the parents just got her a really 
old dodge omni. Lucky her! hehe. Yeah she's 
gonna spray paint it black with a skull on the
hood. *sigh* 

Her one big dream is to start a deathmetal polka
band that consists of her, underwear gnomes and
a few sock dwarves. Yeah. See I told ya she's
a freak. You just DIDN'T believe me...had to find
out for yourself! ARE YA HAPPY NOW! HUH? ARE YA??
*cough* um, a little carried away.