Funeral Customs

1. If a dead person's eyes are left open, he will find a companion to take with him.

2. Place some change in the coffin of dead person so he can pay his toll across the River Jordan.

3. If several deaths occur in the same family, tie a black ribbon to everything left alive that enters the house, even dogs and chickens. This will protect against death from spreading further.

4. Pull the shades at a funeral. If the sunshines on the face of a mourner, he will be the next to die.

5. Cover mirrors in a house where there is a corpse. The person whom sees jimself may be Death's next victim.

6. Never allow a child under the age of one to attend a funeral.

7. Do not attend a funeral if you are pregnant.

8. It is bad luck for a newlywed bride and groom to meet a funeral procession.

9. Do not wear anything new to a funeral, especially shoes.

10. A corpse must be taken from the house feet first. If his head faces backwards, he may beckonanother member of the family to follow him.

11. If the deceased has lived a good life, flowers will bloom on the grave; if he has been evil, weeds will grow.

12. It is bad luck to meet a funeral procession head-on. If you see one approaching, turn around.

13. Never arrange a Friday funeral. This is apt to mean another death in the family during the year.

14. A person who transplants a cedar tree will die when the lower limbs of the tree reach the length of his coffin.

15. If a broom is reated against the bed, the person who sleeps there will soon die.

16. Taking ashes out if a stove after sundown will bring death in the family.

17. A person who sees thirteen white horses at the same time will soon be carried in a hearse.

18. Large amounts of rain warn that there has just been a death.

19. Count the cars of a passenger train, and you will hear of a death.

20. Stop the clock in a death room, or you will have bad luck.

21. You will have bad luck if you meet a white chicken when you are on your way to a funeral.

22. To lock the door after a funeral procession has left the house is bad luck.

23. Bury a woman in a ll black, and she will return to haunt the family.

24. If rain falls on a corpse, the deceased will go to heaven.

25. If you hear a clap of thunder following a burial, it indicates that the soul of the dead person has reached heaven.

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