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In this section you will find pics that are done especially for this Zone and may not be copied or duplicated in any way. I want to thank you for visiting this site. And thank you for all your support.
This is a pic of the entrance of the Brood, after the Undertaker made his grande entrance.
GangreL....rising from the fires of Hell drinking blood from the sacred gobblet, is the vampyre leader of the Brood. Making his way to the WWF, he followed the equally mysterious Edge....to begin the task of reuniting a broken home. The devil's advocate has arisen!
GangreL brought with him into the WWF, a young Christian who looked amazingly alike to that of Edge. He studied the moves of Edge under the supervision of the demonic leader, GangreL. Then it came to past that GangreL has brought with him the younger sibling of Edge.
After a few brawls and fights differences were put aside, the shattered home was rebuilt, the three teamed together to form a most distructive clique!! This is "THE BROOD"!!!!!
1/11/99 Edge had a match against Triple H. The match was devilish. As you surely know. It started out with Triple H dominating. Then Edge got his wind and Beat the living Hell out of HHH. It went back and forth with the victory going to Edge. The lights go to a red hue. The Brood come out and Roaddog was in the wrong place at the wrong time. So the continueing saga of the Revenge for The Brood, and the end result was that the Road dog got the Blood Bath... who will be next... when will the Brood join the Undertaker in the Ministry...? will they ever...? So the moral of this story is... Don't Piss off the Brood.....!!
1/18/99 The match is the Hardcore Title match with GangreL and Roaddog.. GangreL comes out with Roaddog already in the ring. GangreL Has his back to roaddog, drinking from the goblet. Roaddog has a stick in his hand and hits GangreL in the back with the stick. GangreL falls down onto the floor. Roaddog comes down after him and gets nothing but a face full of blood.... SOOO COOL!! I was a true Hardcore match. Roaddog pulls a table into the ring and GangreL takes advantage of this and gives Roaddog a powerbomb on the table and snaps the table in half... Roaddog appears to be out, one, two, thr.. no the shoulder comes up on Roaddog. So roaddog gets up and goes outside the ring and then pulls another table this time he uses it on Gangrel, he lays Gangrel on the table and gets up on the ring and jumps down on him with his elbow. once, twice, three times... Gangrel gets up off of the table alittle dazed. Roaddog pulled out a chair, hits Gangrel on the head, he does this three times and finally knocks GangreL out.. and of course Roaddog wins, what's up VINNIE? Stay tuned......
Royal Rumble- GangreL participated in this event. He was in it for a little while. He brought with him the only thing he could. The knowledge that no matter the end result he would get what is the best. This Royal Rumble was one of the weirdest events that was ever viewed by human eyes, or not so human eyes. And Gangrel knew this, he also knew that his brothers in darkness would be there. He was disqualified some time into the match.
Edge also participated in this event. It was quick for him however.
RAW is WAR 2/1/99 The Brood enters after the emergence of the Undertaker, They enter to the right hand side of the Lord of Darkness. Through a ring of fire, the usual for GangreL, came all three of them. With the Undertaker looking on, the Brood make their entrance to the ring. The match was with, the Undertaker's Midian and Viscar. The match was going well for the Brood, because they knew the eyes of the Ministry were vacant. Not seeing. The Brood had other ideas for Midian and Viscar. Until the Acyolites come out to the rescue to Midian. The all HELL broke lose. The Acyolytes came out with the intention of hanging GangreL. And they did. Under the direction of the Undertaker. GangreL was on the edge of the ring, and the Undertaker came over to him and pushed him off. Thus this is the end of this match.
RAW is WAR 2/15/99 The Brood enters as the newest members of the Ministy. It comes out that the Brood was a part of the Ministry all along. They let it be known that the Brood was the Druids. Now as the Ministry gets stronger and larger will the WWF ever be safe again? The Brood will see to it that the Ministry gets what they want.....
RAW is WAR 2/22/99 The Brood has a tagteam match with newcomers, Public Enemy. They are not new to the hardcore scene. In the match Gangrel and Edge dominate Rocco. The Brood were disqualified however, because Christian entered the ring and ganged up on Public Enemy. In a fury the lights go out and the Brood performs a Blood Bath. This does not sit well with the Undertaker and the Ministry. The Undertaker makes sure that discipline was in order. And orders the Acolytes to beat the crap out of them. The Brood is never to do this again. So they have learned a very valuable lesson. Never cross the Undertaker. So head the warning Vinnie. NEVER cross the Undertaker.
Raw is War 3/1/99 The tagteam, the new enemy of the Brood,Public Enemy comes out to the Broods music. Dressed as the brood, they come out and tells the brood that they are not the only ones that can dress that way. They also start trashing the Brood, lights go out and the Brood's music comes on, the lights go up and Rocco from Public Enemy is missing. His partner is looking franticly for him. He later finds him... not the way that he was hoping for though. He finds Rocco crucified, with blood all over him. I can tell you this, this is getting sooooooo COOL!!!!!! I know this is not the end of this fued. If only Public Enemy would learn early, DON'T MESS WITH THE BROOD!!!!!!!!
In case you were wondering why there has been no updates in this dungeon, it is because as you know the Brood is in the Ministry. *And anything that they have done is in the Undertaker's Dungeon. But for those die hard fans of the Brood, I will recap what has been going on. Here it goes, the fued with public enemy is somewhat over, however I think that nothing is really over when it comes to the Brood. They have been terrorizing everyone in the WWF. Reaking havoc on the entire WWF. They have been doing the dirty work for the Undertaker. Which is very awesome.the last person to recieve the now feared "Blood Bath" was Debra. They were also instrumental in kidnapping Vinnies daughter. If only a diversion. So this may have caught you up on the happenings of the Brood. For more information go to the Undertaker's Dungeon.
APRIL UPDATES: So alto has been happening with the Brood. They got tired of the actions and the punishment of the Undertaker. After the "lashing" of Christian, and the Undertaker making the brood leave the ring while Christian had to fight the Big Show, The Brood made the decision to abandon the Ministry. They are now own their own, with a taste of revenge, once again. This time it seems that the Acolytes are their only opponents. With the exception of the Blood Bath that they did on Kane. The Brood have been reaking havoc of their own in the WWF. That is about all for the Brood. And there will be more to come...... Until then.
Raw is War 5/3/99 There was no showing in this Raw, The Brood is regathering their energy, making new strategic plans. Until Next Time.....
June updates: There was not so many showings for the Brood. And this disapoints me. There should be more! They hasd a few minor fights with a couple of no names. But they are not involved in a plot... Why not? GangreL I and alot more like me love to see you wrestle. You have some uncanny abilities. Talk to vinnie, we want to see more of you! We Love you!
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