The decade of the 1890's, often refered to as the Fin de Siecle (french for "end of the century) saw the culmination of Post-Impressionism. This decade was a pluralistic one for art. Although Impressionism had triumphed, traditional salon art had not disappeared; optically realistic styles, of all varieties wer still very popular. On the other hand, Post-Impressionism and developments related to it were gaining more and more visability. The one most celebrated by his contemporaries was Georges Seurat (1859-1891). By the time of his death he was the leader of a movement called "Neo-Impressioism." Like Seurat, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901) also held to the general principals of Impressionism, but his relationship to that style was the opposite of Seurat's. Instead of making it more moonumental and methodical, ht made it even more spontaneous and informal.