My Leo Pictures:

He's looking at the fish....
can't describe....
can't describe....
Another pic
And another....
I'm really good at describing these aren't I?
really good at describing them.
really really really good at describing them right?
another Leo pic...
And another...
Oh, my gosh, I think I can describe it! He's with Kate, it's from Titanic!
I can describe it! He's in that circle Titanic thing with Kate, the main logo...sorta
He's laying on his front of a's on one of my pages, I just forgot which one...
The one above............I love this pic...


Okay, those are the pictures I have so far...if you have any you want to send me, send them in! You'll be on my thank yous! Anyway, if you don't have any, just look for more, and sign my guestbook, so that I know I should update! If I took any pictures, that were yours, and you don't want me to use them, please tell me, don't sue me, just tell me and I'll take them off my page, ASAP! Please don't sue! Thanks! Bye! ~~~Paige aka Momoko

Other Places to go:

Main Pics Paige! : Go see who else I have pictures of!
Paige's Home Paige!: Go back to my Home paige, and see what else I have! Sign my guestbook!
Send Send Send!: Send me mail! Comments, Suggestions, Flames, Ideas, Pictures, Anything that might be useful! I'll put you on my thank yous!

If you're wondering....

If you've been to the Linden Ashby, or Xena sections and you're wondering why I put links to these pics and not to those, it's because I hardly have any of those, so it's easy to put all of them on the page, if you really want me to make them links, just tell me, if I get enough people to tell me I will, but you might want to send me some pictures too...if you have any. ~~~Paige aka Momoko

You are person # to visit my wonderful Leonardo DiCaprio Pictures Paige!