About    Me

Me? You've come to read about little ol' me? How nice. Well, what is there to say really? My name is Kathy Sims and I go by the handle Monica, due to my love of Friends, the fact that Mon is my fave out of the girls, and if you go in a chat room as Rachel or Phoebe you could be just about anyone and Monica's a little more unusual. I'm 16 years old at the moment and I go to LGGS which stands for Lancaster Girls' Grammar School. If for some strange reason you want to visit my school's website there's a link at the bottom of the page, but I really do advise against it. There is nothing more boring than my school. Right now I'm studying towards my GCSEs, and I can tell you it not much fun. In fact, I've just got my report, and it's not good. I got the lowest mark in the class for Technology. 37%. That's bad! Anyway, before I got sidetracked, where was I? The great love of my life is the one and only Leonardo DiCaprio, but who doesn't love him? You'll see I have a picture of him on my homepage. I haven't got around to making the page yet, I'm trying to get the Friends one sorted out first, but it'll be here soon. I promise. Something else I enjoy is reading Discworld novels (Terry Pratchett for the less cultured of you). I'm thinking about putting up a page dedicated to that, but don't hold me to it. I've got enough with Leo and Friends right now, but if I ever get around to it, I'm sure it'll be really good. My major hobby is acting, I'm not really very good at it and I don't think it'll ever make me famous, but it's a lot of fun and I try to do as much amature theatre as I can. Are you bored of hearing about me yet? Well, one other thing about me is that I'm psychic, and I think that you are. So I'll stop going on now and leave you to go on doing whatever it was you were doing before you stumbled across my little page. Have a good one!

There will be a picture here if you so desire to see one. But not quite yet.

Where next?

LGGS: This is my school's website if you really want to see it. Strange people.
My Friends page: My fave show. Check out the page!
My Leonardo DiCaprio Page [coming soon]: The love of my life. When this page is here you must visit it.
Back to my Homepage: This is just the place you were before.

Very strange people have come to read about me times since Febuary 1998. How odd you must be.