
These are a few that I have.I can't remember where I got them,but here they are anyway.

Prayer to the God Horned One of the wilderness, Winged One of the Shining Skies, Rayed One of the splen'drous Sun, Fallen One of the Samhain cries I call,praying that you,O Ancient One, Will bless my mystic rites- O fiery Lord of the Blazing Sun! Goddess Invocation Blessed One,hear my chant Open me to your wondrous light; Waken me to your silver flow, Be with me in my rite! Kali Invocation Mother Kali! Goddess of Death. Mistress of Justice. Wake now, Mother and hear my chant, I call you from your slumber. Come and bring the warrior spirit. Isis Invocation
Isis of the Moon You who are all that ever was, All that is and all that shall be; Come,veiled Queen of the Night! Come as the scent of the sacred lotus charging my circle with love and magic Do descend upon my circle I pray O Blessed Isis! ENTRANCE Back