John Murdoch wakes up in a hotel room and brutally learns that he is behind a string of vicious murders. The problem is that he can't remember any of it. In fact, almost all of his memories are gone.

Hunted by Inspector Bumstead, Murdoch runs to the only clue he has to his life: the address on his license. Once he gets home, though, he is hit with a new realization. He has a wife, Emma.

Slowly, Murdoch comes to realize that there is a deep force at work in the Dark City. It and all of its inhabitants are controlled and manipulated by a group of aliens known as The Strangers, who have the power of changing things by Tuning. Through an evolutionary mishap, John is also possessed of these powers. With the help of Dr. Screiber, John is able to stay one step ahead of The Strangers and find the key to his missing memories and the murders.

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