Autumn in Ohio

Pics from an action packed season. Updated 12/14/06.

Clowning around outside Browns Stadium.
When the Browns stink - kiddies get to go to games (cheap.)

Christo in the upper Dawg Pound with the Ohio State University marching band performing the incomparble "Script Ohio" in the background.

Melina poses with the Bonelady in the (In)Famous DAWG Pound! Daddy slightly viewable on the left.

Ready for Tricks-or-Treats.

Halloween pageant at Onaway Elementary School.

Melina, before the sugar buzz...

The German influence.

Cleveland Music School Settlement Program invitation

Melina's recital gear also proclaims her fierce pride in the Browns (before the Steeler's game.)

Melina and Anna take the lead on "Baby Beluga".

Melina dances!

Melina plays the drum!

Another MOVIE file
Click on pic to see Melina in action from 11/17!


Oh NO. First tooth is lost...

... and Christos displays it for you, the viewer.

BEFORE - The night before.

AFTER - The next morning - a golden dollar!

Melina ponders the idea of making easy money! Don't do it!

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