Morgan's Men Association
Membership Application Form
(copy, print and send in)
Greetings from the Morgan's Men Association!
To join us, please print and fill out the below application. Mail with $35 in dues to address given below. Once your application is processed, we will send you an attractive and frameable membership certificate, hand lettered with your name and ancestor's name, rank, and regimental affiliation. (Note: Associate members also issued a certificate but without ancestor information). Thanks for your interest and hope that you will join us and help preserve the memory of Morgan's men.
Note: In order to qualify for regular membership your ancestor must have been in a unit commanded by Gen. John Hunt Morgan or his brother-in-law Gen. Basil Duke.
P.S. While not required, we appreciate anyone sending us a copy of their
family's record, ancestor's military or pension record, copies of photos,
ect. if they are available. Those claiming ancestry to the family of John
Hunt Morgan should include genealogical documentation. For others, a brief
sketch showing lineage of descent from soldier is appreciated.
Morgan's Men Association, Inc.
Membership Application
Application Type (Check one):
To the Members of the Association:
I respectfully apply for membership in Morgan's Men upon record of my :
__________________________________ __________________________________
(give relationship,
example: gg grandfather), (give name of soldier),who was a member of:
Rank, name of Company and Regiment, example: Private, Co A, 11th Kentucky
and who served until
(give approximate date and how service expired, example:
June 1862 to May 1865, paroled at surrender).
Date: ____________________________
(date applying for membership)
Email Address:______________________________
Residential Phone___________________________
City/State/Zip Code: ____________________________________________
If Application is for Associate Membership, No Ancestor Information
Membership No.: _______________
(To be assigned by Association)
Send Completed Application with check for $35 in dues to:
Sam Flora, 1691 Kilkenny Dr., Lexington, KY 40505