come to liberate you from the despotism of a tyran-
nical faction
and to rescue my native State from the
hand of your
oppressors. Everywhere the cowardly
foe has fled
from my avenging arms. My brave
army is
stigmatized as a band of guerrillas and ma-
Believe it not. I point with pride to their
deeds as a
refutation to this foul aspersion. We ask only
to meet the
hireling legions of Lincoln. The eyes of
your brethren
of the South are upon you. Your gal-
lant fellow
citizens are flocking to our standard.
Our armies are
rapidly advancing to your protection.
Then greet them
with the willing hands of fifty thou-
sand of
Kentucky's brave. Their advance is already
with you. Then
Postcard, early 1900's, courtesy of Ollie Sappington of St. Louis, Mo.
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Back ground midi tune for this page is "Jine the Cavalry". While this is a song of Stuart's Virginia Cavalry, members of Morgan's Cavalry surely were familiar with this tune during their service in the Virginia theater at the close of the war. Copyright 1998, Scott Williams, from the "Borderland Collection", All Rights Reserved.
Note: Many of these pages have background music from "Old Kentucky". You must have a Cresendo Midi File Player plugin for your browser to play them. A free plugin can be downloaded from: Cresendo Download Website. Hope you can enjoy these old tunes of long ago. (If you don't want to download this plugin, just click off on any midi file error you may receive, you just won't be able to hear the tunes.)