Reality Checked
So what's going on...
This is a rattlebag section, of things that entered my head. Its also meant to answer some imponderables.
Imponderables you say?
Yes. Strange things, like why haven't I used frames.
Hey yes! Why haven't you used frames.
I hate them. They get in the way, they slow everthing down, and they don't help navigation in the slightest. Its like trying to read a book through a periscope. And if you get some real sicko filling the screen with them, there are so many little elevator menus it looks like a version of donkey kong.
Tickertape tapes? Server Push Animations?
Yes, spending my time developing little tricks on a league with flipbook animations of people fencing, might seen like edge on technology to you, but doesn't it strike you as a little puerile.
Guess so... But I notice you don't have anything serious on this page? You aren't setting much of an example. Don't you have anything useful on the Web.
Yes, but this stuff isn't it.
I notice that there is no mail to address on your pages. Isn't it good policy to have a reply address if you want people to contact you?

A recent survey carried confirmed that Rudyard Kipling's "If" was the public's most popular poem, but relatively close behind it was Blake's Tiger Tiger which many many more know by heart because of its relative lyrical simplicity. Below is on of the many iterations of the poem before reaching the form which we know today. This is taken from Blake's manuscripts. I have tried to maintain the overstriking in the original but have not maintained relative position of the corrections.

The Tyger

Tyger Tyger burning bright In the forests of the night What immortal hand or eye Dare Could frame thy fearful symmetry

In what Burnt in distant deeps or skies The Cruel Burnt the fires of thine eyes On what wings dare he aspire What the hand dare seize the fire

And what shoulder & what art Could twist the sinews of thy heart And when thy heart began to beat What dread hand & what dread feet

Could fetch it from the furnace deep And thy horrid ribs dare steep In the well of sanguine woe In what clay & in what mould Were thy eyes of fury rolld

What Where the hammer what where the chain In what furnace was thy brain What the anvil what the arm grasp clasp dread grasp Dare Could its deadly terrors clasp grasp clasp

Tyger Tyger burning bright In the forests of the night What immortal hand & eye Dare form frame thy fearful symmetry

In another variation Blake included the line " What the shoulder, what the knee. Did he who make the lamb make thee " which is the sort of cheap rhyming device which should cheer up budding poets the world over. Blake did not however to his eternal shame ever use the lines " What the shoulder, what the knee, have the lovely tyger round for tea " which would have provided this section with a punch line.

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