105.1 Explain the importance of the COSAL in relationship to the ship’s mission and sustainability.
Coordinated Shipboard Allowance List. List of equipment onhand that may be needed.
.2 Discuss the following processes in reference to the COSAL:
a. Validating- Every 2-3 years download everything & validating during ILO. Reconciliate what is suuorted and what is not.
b. Updating- Modifications, additions, and deletions.
c. Automated Shore Interface/Revised Alternative Dataflow (ASI/RAD)-
Receive monthly from NAVSEA in a seguence numbered tape. Provides updates, configurations, a report update. Tells what is missing at the end of each month.
.3 Explain how frequently ordered parts effect demand processing.
Verified 2x monthly. Demand is recorded. If an item is listed 2 times in a 6 month period, it becomes a higher priority item and is stocked onboard.
.4 Discuss the purpose of the Material Obligation Validation (MOV) program.
SNAP NAVCOM 2155. Reconcilliation of the RPPO and the SUADAPS stores. Contains Julian date, serial #, nomenclature, and running balance.
.5 Discuss the Depot Level Repairables (DLRs) program.
Manages high value items (advice # 7H, 7E, 7X, 7G, AND 7Q). Cannot repair and reuse.
105.6 Explain the procedures on NRFI DLRs in regard to the following situations:
a. Turn-in- For exchange basis only. Advice code is 5g.
b. Remain in Place (RIP)-
Turned into Supply when new item is in place. (Advice code 5S) DLR items reflect 2 prices, 1 is Standard Price and 1 is Net Unit Price.
.7 Define the purpose of the following:
a. Maintenance Assist Modules (MAMs)-
Usually DLR’s. Used for troubleshooting only. If for permanent use must be approved by CO.
b. Bulkhead ready spares- Bulky items that are stored in the actual spaces that they will be used.
.8 Discuss the Battle Group Asset Management System (BAMS) concept.
Database to assist force commanders by providing TOTAL ASSETS of Battle group.
.9 Explain the difference between the two components of the OPTAR:
a. Equipment Maintenance Related Material (EMRM)-
Parts and parts repair consumables required for maintenance of equipment. Y series for repair parts.
b. Other- Administrative and housekeeping items.
.10 Explain the effects of the following on ships OPTAR:
a. Departmental budget- Basis for annual financial management plan. Distribution of money.
b. Consolidated Residual Asset Management System Inventory (CRAMSI)-
Database managed by NAVSEALOGCEN.
c. Hazardous material reutilization- The process of reusing hazmat.
d. Defense Reutilization Marketing Office (DRMO)- Free issue for government use.
105.11 State how credit is distributed for parts when they are turned back in to supply.
Item goes back to stock. Turned in to DRMO. Credit is given to TYCOM who has a large pool of money that is distributed accordingly at the end of the fiscal year.
.12 Define the UMMIPS and the role it plays with the Priority Designator (PD).
For priority 2 and 5 items. Not to exceed 70% priority items for each month.
.13 What is the purpose of the following messages:
a. Fleet freight/cargo- Dates and ports & material info for items to be sent.
b. Main- Generated by the fleet commander. Includes dates & places of port visit. Askis where you want your supplies to go.
.14 Discuss the purpose of ship’s store afloat.
Provide comfort for the crew. Generates funds for MWR. Sells items at lowest possible price.
.15 Explain endurance loading of subsistence and how it effects the ship’s mission and sustainability.
Determined by TYCOM. Normally for 45 days. Allows for continuos operation of the ship.
.16 Define and describe the BDFA and state how it effects each crewmember.
Basic Daily Food Allowance - The current BDFA is $7.40 not includung
the Prime Vendor Allowances. This allowance is what we are allowed to serve
one patron per day. The BDFA is multiplied by the number of ration credits
taken. It is updated quarterly by NAVSUP-51.
.17 Describe the principle quarterly foodservice report and where it is submitted.
The principle monthly report is the NAVSUP form 1359- General Mess
Summary Document. It is broken down into 5 parts. Rations, cash statement,
reciepts, expenditutes and surchages. The 1359 is sumitted electronically
to NAVSUP-51 no later then the 5th of each month.
105.18 State what kind of rations are utilized during during battle stations when the galley or galley personnel are not available. Marines will eat MRE's, (Meals Ready to Eat). When the ship is in battle qurters, the mess decks will deliver “battle messing” to the GQ stations.
AZC(AW/NAC) Kimberly King