118.3 Discuss HM storage and inspection requirements.
118.4 State the purpose and information contained on the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
118.5 What are the 6 categories of HM?
a. Flammable or combustible materials
May be a solid, liquid or gas. Basically any material with a low flash point, or point at which it ignites into flames.
b. Toxic materials
A poison or toxin is a substance that adversely affects one's health by causing injury, illness, or death, when inhaled, injested, or through contact.
c. Corrosive materials (including acids and bases)
A highly reactive substance that causes obvious damage to living tissue. It is a chemical that causes visible destruction of, or irreversible alterations in, living tissue by chemical action at the site of contact.
d. Oxidizing materials
Oxidizing materials are liquids or solids that readily give off oxygen or other oxidizing substances, such as chlorine.
They also include materials that react chemically to oxidize combustible (burnable) materials; this means that oxygen combines chemically with the other material in a way that increases the chance of a fire or explosion.
This reaction may be spontaneous at either room temperature or may occur under slight heating. Oxidizing liquids and solids can be severe fire and explosion hazards.
e. Aerosol containers
Aerosols are tiny liquid and solid particles suspended in the air.
Insecticides, oils and paints are examples of aerosols in pressurized containers.
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are good propellants, and present no fire danger, but they are being phased out as they are believed to be a contributory factor to the depletion of the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere.
Hydrocarbons are sometimes used in Aerosol containers, and can present a fire and explosion hazard.
f. Compressed gases
Three major groups of compressed gases are stored in cylinders: liquefied, non-liquefied and dissolved gases. All compressed gases are hazardous because of the high pressures inside the cylinders.
Some pure compressed gases are chemically unstable.
If exposed to slight temperature or pressure increases, or mechanical shock, they can readily undergo certain types of chemical reactions. These reactions may become violent, resulting in fire or explosion.
Compressed flammable gases, such as butane, can burn or explode under certain conditions. Compressed oxidizers
can react rapidly and violently with combustible materials.
Many compressed gases are toxic or very toxic.
They could cause various health problems depending on the specific gas, its concentration, the length of exposure and the route of exposure.
Some compressed gases are corrosive, and can burn and destroy body tissues on contact.
Even inert gases, such as helium, can cause death or injury in high concentrations.
118.6 Explain the general procedures to be followed when a HM/HW spill is discovered.
a. Discovery
b. Notification
c. Initiation of action.
d. Evaluation
e. Containment
f. Damage control
g. Dispersion of Gases/vapors
h. Cleanup and decontamination
i. Disposal
j. Certification for re-entry
k. Follow-up reports
118.7 State the personal protection equipment required when handling HM/HW.
118.8 Discuss the disposal limitations for the following:
a. Adhesives
Store as per applicable manuals, and dispose of onshore.
b. Grease
Oily solid materials such as contaminated rags, absorbents, and oil filters can be thrown overboard beyond 50 nautical miles off shore.
If within 50 nautical miles containerize for shore disposal.
Keep petroleum lubricants separate from synthetic lubricants.
c. Hydraulic fluid
Store as per applicable manuals, and dispose of onshore. Keep synthetic fluids separate from other types of fluids.
d. Fuels
Store as per applicable manuals, and dispose of onshore. Keep synthetic and petroleum lubricants separate.
e. Waste oils
Store as per applicable manuals, and dispose of onshore.
f. Paint/paint thinners
Store as per applicable manuals, and dispose of onshore.
a. Types of HM in their work area and aboard ship.
b. What HMs are and how they are disposed of.
c. How to read and interpret hazard warning labels.
d. What an MSDS is, how to read it, and where a copy is available to review. General information on HM handling, stowage, use, and disposal.
e. Protective measures when handling HM.
f. Emergency procedures.
118.11 Discuss the purpose of the HM Authorized Use List (AUL).
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AZC(AW/NAC) Kimberly King